Chapter Five- Kayla

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     I didn't get out of bed for breakfast the next morning. Frankly I was still upset with my father for what he said the night before. I was hoping to avoid him but he left a note on the kitchen table:

Come to my office once you wake up.
P.S: don't forget tonight we have Dinner with the other Officers.


    I sighed. I can't believe today was Saturday already. The last thing I wanted to do after my argument with my dad was sit around at some table and listen to him and the other lieutenants argue about policies for an hour. Begrudgingly I took a shower and threw on a pale pink dress that I hadn't worn in years. I lingered in the kitchen before I walked down to my dads office. I already knew he was going to scold me for last nights behavior. Reluctantly I went.

  I knocked on the door, as usual, and I heard him say "come in." I walked in and sat on the wooden chair in his office. "How did you sleep dear." He asked. I didn't look him in the eye.

"Fine." Was all I said. He didn't say anything for a few seconds. I finally looked up at him.

"There's those pretty eyes." He smiled. I did not return his smile. I was going to hold my ground this time. He sighed. "I thought about what you said last night sweetheart. I know how hard it must be for you to not have anyone around here that's your age to hang out with and I understand that you must get bored, despite all the reading you do." I didn't say anything. "So," he continued "I got you a little present, I know how long you have wanted this-" he reached under his desk and pulled out a tiny little golden retriever. The little dog must have only been a few weeks old.

"Oh my God!" I gasped, completely breaking my stature that I had been keeping up. I felt a tear roll down my face. Ever since I was a child I had begged my dad to get me a puppy, but he always said that the base was no place for a puppy. I grabbed the dog from his hands and squeezed it gently in my arms.

"Do you like him?" My dad asked with a big smile on his face. I couldn't even respond I was so happy. I nodded. He laughed "What are you going to name him?"

"Moby." I said after a minute of thinking. My dad started laughing again.

"Like the whale?" He asked. I nodded. Moby dick was one of my favorite reads. "Well I had Lieutenant Streeter run down to the nearest supply store to get him anything he needs, but Kayla you are going to have to take good care of him, are you listening?" He asked. I looked up and smiled.

"Yes, I will dad." I kissed him on the cheek, and headed back to the suite so Moby could explore the place. Andrew showed up a few hours later with everything that Moby would need. Food, collar, bed, crate and plenty of toys. I thanked him happily.

"Make sure you potty train him Kayla, he will have to learn how to use one of those Litter boxes because obviously you can't take him outside." Andrew nagged at me.

"I know, I know." I said as I started shoving him out the door.

"Also be ready by 5:00pm tonight, I'll escort you to dinner-"

"Okay Andrew thanks!" I said cutting him off and shutting the door. Andrew was sweet and all, but my God he nagged me as much as my own father.

I played with Moby for the rest of the day, until I had to get ready for the dinner. I put on the silver dress I had bought from Mrs. Turner earlier that week. I also slipped on some matching sliver heels. I curled my hair quickly, and put on red lipstick for good measure. There wasn't much makeup at the base, so the little that I did have, I used wisely. At precisely 5:00pm I heard a knock on the door. I put Moby in his crate with a few of his toys and quickly answered the door. Of course Andrew was not a second late.

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