Chapter Twenty Six- Sam

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I did my best to brush of Kayla's rejection. Of course I knew she had every right to be upset with me, however it didn't sting any less. Margo had been annoyed that I hadn't left when she did, probably assuming I was all over Kayla after she walked out. Kayla and Margo shared hatred for each other was something I didn't want to be a part of, but unfortunately it was my fault it had appeared in the first place.

   The rest of the week went by, slower than molasses. Everyday and night I was filled with worry, that something would go wrong. Something like the bomb self detonating while Kayla was building it, or something like them getting caught and executed. Finally the night before the ball arrived. Kayla, Margo, and I agreed to meet up in the storage closet to make our final plans.

"Did you finish it?" Margo asked Kayla as she slammed the broom through the door handle.

"Yes." Kayla replied, slowly unzipping her bag and showing us the pipe bomb. It was about a foot long and looked like any old pipe I had seen. She then slowly unzipped the front pocket, pulling out a tiny black remote with a red button on it. "This is the detonator. The bomb can only be detonated within a twenty foot radius, because of this, I made the timer for five minutes. Whoever decides to detonate it will have that long to get the hell out of there." She explained. The three of them stared at each other. No one was overly zealous when it came to that position. It was the riskiest.

"I'll do it." Margo finally spoke.

"Margo are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes I'm sure.I will detonate it five minutes before 2100. That's when most of the people here will be at the ball. You two will have to get the Gilman's out of their cell and ready to go by then. As soon as 2100 hits, take them to the exit, I'll meet you guys there." She said.

"Make sure you two have your guns." Kayla added.

"No dip Sherlock." Margo said. "Are you sure this will work Kayla?"

"Nope not at all." Kayla replied.

"Great, I feel super confident." Margo mumbled.

"It's the best chance we all have, and the best chance for your Kayla's parents." I told them. Kayla looked down at her feet.

"I think I did it right, believe me there is no one here who wants my parents free more than me." Kayla said quietly.

"Think isn't good enough Kayla! What if the bomb goes off right away and I'm blown up?" Margo said stepping towards her.

"Margo." I said putting my hand on her chest. "No fighting with a bomb in the room okay? It's going to work."

"Why do you two want to help them so bad anyways huh? You joined to fight for the Allegiance, and you know my parents are rebels so why?" Kayla said stepping towards Margo, raising her voice.

"Because it isn't right what's happening to them, and because I'm-" Margo cut herself off and shook her head. The three of them stood in silence. Both girls eventually backing down from each other.

"How are we going to get the bomb in the room?" I finally spoke.

"We put it there now." Kayla said. "They should be done setting up by now."

"I'll take it over there now." I said. "Kayla meet me by the stairs an hour before 2100 tomorrow night. And here." I handed her Lieutenant Jackson's I.D. "Hold on to this like your life depends on it." Kayla nodded taking the I.D from my hands. The three of them sat there in silence. In a scary way it felt like it was the last time they would all be there together.

    Finally I left, not wanting to suffer through the silence and stress any longer. I snuck over to the old Gymnasium where sure enough, the decorations for the ball had been completed. It looked like the theme this time around was ironically Blast from the Past decorated with cardboard cutouts of old famous celebrities that I didn't really recognize. Luckily, no one was in the room. I did my best to hide my face from the cameras in the corners with my jacket. I carefully shoved the backpack underneath the table in the middle of the room. I made sure to take the detonator out from the pocket, and very carefully put it in the front pocket of my shirt. I backed away from the table, satisfied enough that the backpack was hidden well under the pink tablecloth on top of the table.

   I made my way back to the dorms where Margo has just returned. I told her where the bomb was and handed her the detonator. She put the detonator in a shiny purse. The two of us sat there in silence not wanting to talk. Finally she said:

"Sam. Tomorrow this is all over for us."

"I know Margo. I know." She was right. This game of jailbreak would soon come to an end tomorrow, no matter what happens.

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