Chapter Eighteen- Sam

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   I made my way back to the dorms after dinner with Kayla. She looked so skinny and frail. I was worried about her. The General had her locked up in her suite for three weeks? There was something so disgusting about that, it made me sick. I was disturbed by the whole thing. At least she seemed happy about the necklace I gave her. My dad gave it to my mom on her fortieth birthday, her last birthday. She left it back on the farm before she got deployed again. I brought it with me to the base. To have a piece of her with me. I liked it on Kayla a lot better then I did when it was just sitting in my bag.

   I walked into the dorms to where Margo was reading a book.

"Hey." Margo said while sitting up. "How did dinner go?" I know she wasn't concerned about if I had fun, but she wanted to make sure I didn't tell Kayla about was going on.

"It went well." I told her. She looked relieved. "Kayla didn't look too good though." I told her about how sick Kayla looked and how she had been imprisoned in her room the last few weeks.

"I feel terrible for her that sounds awful, having to sit at home and relax for three weeks what a punishment." Margo replied sarcastically. Why do I even bother with her. "Anyways, there are more important things to discuss." Margo told me how she was able to find a map of the entire base. The map didn't include the dungeons but instead, where the dungeons were actually located, the map said restricted area. Even the map was hiding the secrets of the base. "Here." She pointed at the far left side of the map. "This is the only exit in the entire base, I over heard guards talking, and the only way to open and shut the door is from the inside. That means we will have to find a way to help the Gilman's escape the dungeons and open and close the door for them all without being seen." This was going to be more difficult than I thought.

"Before we even worry about that, we have to find a way to actually open and shut the door. We need the right I.D to scan the lock, and only high ranking officers have it." I said.

"That means we have to steal it off of either Lieutenant Streeter, Lieutenant Jackson, or The General." She said, finishing my thought.

"Exactly, how the hell are we going to do that?" I said folding the map back up and handing it to her.

"I don't know." She replied.

"The three of them always have their I.D's with them in their front shirt pockets." I said remembering seeing it in the Generals pocket the night the three officers showed up in the sky room.

"They must take them off when they sleep?" She said. But that would involve us breaking into their suites, during the night.

"Maybe if we told Kayla, she could steal her dad's during the night?" I suggested.

"No Sam, we promised Adam and Theresa we wouldn't involve her, plus how do we even know she would be willing to betray her dad like that."

"We don't," I responded "but if she knew what he was doing to her parents then she probably would." We sat there in silence for a minute.

"I could try something." Margo said.


"I could try seducing one of the Lieutenants and then taking it out of their clothes ?" I laughed. It wasn't a bad idea. Margo was prettier than most of the recruits on the base.

"That could work." I said "but I doubt it would work on the General or Lieutenant Streeter, they are too old."

"Lieutenant Jackson then?" She said. I agreed. We made a plan. Every night, Lieutenant Jackson made round trips of the base before he went to bed. Margo was going to run into him, and get him to spend the night with her. Then she was going to steal the I.D after he fell asleep.

We waited until about 1900 for Margo to make her move. She put on a low cut red shirt, that was almost too revealing, and a short black skirt she stole from one of the boutique's. She brushed her long red hair out until she looked like she could work the corner.

"How do I look?" She asked as we were about to leave the dorms.

"Promiscuous." I replied. I snuck out with her until we got to the third floor. I ducked behind a wall of trash cans, and she leaned on the wall opposite of me, as we waited for Lieutenant Jackson to show up. My feet were starting to cramp when he finally showed up. He was dressed in his usual uniform and in his front shirt pocket, he had his I.D pinned.

"Lieutenant." Margo said as he started walking by.

"Do I know you?" He asked, pausing in front of her, clearly not recognizing her from the dinner they had crashed weeks before. I wasn't surprised. I wouldn't have recognized her either.

"Yes, we met at dinner a few weeks ago, Margo." She said sticking out her hand. He shook it back.

"Oh yes, I remember you." He said. "I just didn't recognize you at first." She laughed hard like he was the next great comedian. He seemed to like the attention she was showing him. "So what are you standing here, all by your lonesome."

"Well," she said "I was suppose to meet a friend of mine for dinner, but he never showed." She made a pouty face.

"Well that's rude." He said, stepping a foot closer to her. Yuck.

"Yeah, now I'm free for the rest of the evening." She leaned back against the wall, and sticking out her chest. I watched him eye her body up and down, like a predator.

"Well I could accompany you, if you'd like." Margo giggled and twisted her red hair around her finger.

"You would do that?" She said. He took another step forward until she was pushed up against the wall.

"How about we go back to my suite," he said to her, his nose practically touching her.

"Okay." She giggled again. I watched him take her hand and lead her to the nearest elevator. Hopefully she didn't screw this up.

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