Chapter 24- Visiting My Father

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Not my father lmao
Funfacts of the day:
1. I have panic attacks every week
2. I live in Calgary
3. I'm very annoying lol

And I technically lost my 2 best friends over a stupid game so that's why I'm having a panic attack right now so don't mind the horrible typing or grammar cuz im shaking and writing chhpatrs make me feek calmer so tbank you for that

1 year later

So Zak and le bois did nothing very fun for the past 1 year and Zak's father wanted to see Zak but Zak was too scared so Darryl is going to go with him to protect him. So today is the day they go and talk with Zak's father

Zak's POV

I'm fucking scared. My father hates me. He used to abuse me to study so that's why I'm somehow smart. I don't understand why he would want to see me after a whole year. Doesn't he hate me? I've been crying for the past 6 hours and still haven't calmed down. 10 minutes until we drive to his house. Darryl is coming with me but i refuse, what would happen if he goes and gets hurt? I rather get hurt than him get hurt. I want to tell the cops but I'm afraid that my father will somehow escape. Oh god, I just wish this was all over so then I'd be happy with not a lot of problems.

"Darryl. Please don't go... I'll be fine. And plus, I don't want you to get hurt."

"Wait- Zak, I'm coming with you no matter what. Who cares if I get hurt? As long as you're okay, I'm okay."

"I CARE, DARRYL. I care about you more than anything else, and I'm promising you that. Just please don't go."

"Awh, cute, but I'm still going now cheer up, let's go, okay? I love you"

"I love you too..."

Your local timeskip to the house

We arrived at the house. The house I never wanted to see again. Why did I agree. I'm so stupid, maybe he is right about my fault that mother died. I fucking hate this thoughts. I guess I have to knock...

Kncoku kncojvjt ckonci
( knock, knock, knock )

I left Darryl in the car incase he gets hurt. As soon as I knock, the door opens and my dad smiles. When he smiled, I knew that smile. The smile he would make when he is about to hurt me. He opens his mouth to speak to me.

"Come inside."

Oh god, I hate this house. I gulped and started shaking. He had abused me for the past 9 years until I left the house to move. I never told anyone this, not even Darryl because I'm afraid Darryl would do anything to my father. I mean, I do want revenge, but my mother always said 'Revenge is never the correct way'.

I walk into the house and look back at Darryl. I could tell that he was worried by the eyes. He looked frightened. I look back at him one more time until my father closed the door and locked it.

"What do you want?"

"THAT is NOT how you talk to your father!" He says as he slaps me.

"You do not talk back to me, same rules aply. You're stupid boyfriend isn't here to say you, you faggot. Looks like you're still weak, after these years, you're still the same. I raised you to like girls, not boys. I can't believe my own son turned into a gay idiot. Your mother wouldn't even support you if she was here. Oh right, she died because of you."

Fuck, I'm fucking crying again. Yup, I'm definetly a useless piece of shit. Good thing Darryl isn't here or else he would get hurt.

Darryl's POV

Oh my goodness, I heard someone yell at Zak. I also heard a slap, a slap that sounded like a hard slap. What in the world is he doing to the poor muffin?! Yeah, I heard him swear but Zak's safety is more important. I don't know if Zak is okay or not but I'm going in no matter what. Who cares if I get hurt, as long as Zak is safe, I'm fine.

I step outside the car and start to head to the front door. Shoot, the door is locked. Hm, maybe a card?

I get a card out of my wallet and start picking the door ( wtf is that ccalled? Sorry I cant think straight im still struggling ). The door unlocks and the first thing I saw was a glass bottle getting thrown at Zak. I run as fast as I can but not make it. Zak was passed out. Oh god, what did I do?! I said I would be there to protect him!


"Oh, look who decided to come inside. Zak's gay boyfriend."

"Leave us alone, or I'm calling the cops on you!"

"I don't want him anyways, leave and never be in my face ever again."

I carry Zak and ran to the car the fastest I can. I put on my seatbelt and started to drive to the hospital. It was a 46 minute drive. I need to go faster ( don't take that out of context you dirty minders ). I'm a little bit over the speed limit but all I care about is Zak getting there safely.

"Please be okay Zak..."


1000 word chapter without N/As

Sorry this chapter is awful, I'm still having a panic attack. But my 'If it's not worth it, Don't do it' merch came in! I'm literally like so excited. Next chapter Zak is gonna be in le hospital.

Thank you for reading and have a great day/night.

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