Chapter 9- Movie Night

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Chai's Typing

I'm writing this because my friend, Sophie is awful and isn't helping me with this book so I assume this is only my book now. I'm literally in the depressed state right now so this chapter might be a bit boring and crappy like the last chapter. But anyway, Enjoy!

Sophie might write some of it.

Zak's POV

I wake up to someone hugging and cuddling with me. I look up and see Darryl. All I remember last night before I went all sleep mode was that Darryl said "I love you". He probably said that in a friendly way. I didn't think of it as much.

"Darryl? Wake up sleeping beauty."


"Wake up sleepy head"

"huh?! Yeah I'm up wassup?"

"We're going to watch a movie!"

"At this time? It's 4 am"

So? C'mon let's go!"

Sophie's Writing

*one part* -Sophia



Chai's writing

As we went to the living room, I brought many pillows and lots of fluffy blankets.  Darryl looked at me with a confused face. I was also confused when we did a confused face.

Darryl's POV

Since when did I have so many pillows and blankets?! AND WHY DO I HAVE SKPEHALO FLAG BLANKETS?! And where did Skeppy even find them?!!? I'm literally so confused right now.

Anyways, enough about the pillows and the stupid blankets. Time to watch a movie!


"Wait, what? Isn't that a kid movie?"

"Whats wrong with a kid movie?"


"Okay! Lets watch it!"

Sometimes I think that Zak is a bit too childish. But I find that cute and funny like his personality. I'm glad I met him.

time for the amazing writer, Sophia :DDD *eating dill pickle  chips* nom nom. Uh oops i have to writeeee.
Ugh sotp sophie I'm taking this book seriously. I'm about to change my password you idot.

Zak's Pov

I go onto Disney Plus and search up Frozen 2. I heard that the movie was awesome and I had always wanted to watch it. No matter how hard I begged Darryl, he won't watch it with me. Usually it makes it easy for Darryl to do something with me but I don't know why Darryl won't watch a simple movie with me! But at least we get to watch it today!

"Hey you muffin, I'm going to make popcorn. Don't start it without me!"

"Okay Baldboynoob"

7 minutes later

"I'm done!"

"Finallyyyyy! You took foreverr"

"It was only 7 min- whatever lets watch the movie now."

3rd Person's Pov

40 minutes had passed and Zak already had fallen asleep, cuddling with Darryl. Darryl didn't mind it and continuing the movie.

After 1 hour and 30 minutes later, the movie was finished. Zak was still cuddling with Darryl. He was comfy there. Darryl didn't want to move to wake Zak up. Darryl didn't want to wake up Zak so we quietly turned off the TV and covered him and Zak with a blanket. Darryl hugged Zak to make him feel warm and safe in his arms and there's nothing wrong coming their way ( I hope ).

Zak's Pov

I felt Darryl put blankets on top of us and he hugged me under the blankets. I just realised that I was cuddling with me. He made me feel safe and warm. I didn't want to leave so I just snuggled closer then fell asleep in his arms again.

Sorry there was 2 Sophia being a fricking idiot and that she promised me she would write but instead she fooled around and I'm very sorry for the crappy chapter. I just had no ideas but I have an idea for the next chapter but thank you for reading this chapter! -Chai

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