chapter nine: sisterhood

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o9 | sisterhood


I was feeling a lot better coming home now. I had Liam, Isla and Niall to thank for that. They came over and played card games, watched movies and told stories. I felt so much warmth and comfort in their presence. It was Monday now.

When I called my mom that I was going home, she squealed and said that Sara was already living in the house. Probably in that spare bedroom we had.

I was now ready to get to know the sister I thought I never had.

As soon as I got my duffel bag down, my mom and dad hugged me. I saw Sara smiling at the back.

"So, in the spirit of sisterhood, I now decree painting of the cupcake shop to begin," I said.

"Okay, let's do that," my dad said, smiling. My mom quickly got her keys to the shop ready and it was jingling in her hand. There was a cupcake keychain attached to it. Of course there had to be one.

The shop was a block away from our house--- which, by the way, amazed me. I could now run over here whenever I feel like eating one! I smiled inwardly. Sara started to make conversation with me.

"So, have you guys decided on a color?" she asked. 

"Hmm, I think it was something pink. Well, at least it has to look dainty enough," I replied and she nodded her head.

"So, how old are you?" I asked. "Twenty three," she replied. 

"I'm sorry about your mom," I managed to say.

"Yeah, thanks," she said. "How about your mom? I mean... sorry," I blurted out. I was smacking my head internally, wondering how I could be so damn insensitive. Sara only managed a small smile.

"There's a service going on right now. The funeral will be today, around four. I just needed to get away for a bit so I left. My aunts and uncles are over there. And yes, I know, now's not really the time to be painting or just having fun but... it's like my grieving process," she replied, giving me a small smile.

Suddenly, I remembered that Liam said that he was going to swing by later with the lads to help out but I looked thoughtfully at Sara. She would probably freak out and she didn't need that now. Maybe later, but not now. I told her to go ahead since I needed to make a call. She gladly obliged. I punched in Liam's number.

"Hello, love. Are you already there? The lads and I will be arriving soon," he said in the other line. He was excited and somehow, I felt bad for making him not come.

"Liam... I'm sorry. But I think that you can't come today," I said quietly. After a pause, he replied.

"What's the matter?"

"Sara's here and I haven't exactly told her that Liam Payne's my boyfriend and One Direction are sort of my friends," I said. "And, there's the funeral today too so I have to make sure that---"

"Love, I get it. It's okay. Just call us when you need help, okay? You're too caring, you know," he said.

"Thank you. I love you," I said and he answered me back with an "I love you too" which was full of warmth and sincerity.


After three hours worth of painting, the cupcake shop was now pink with artful circles. We were supposed to let the paint dry up for at least a week so we left the workers to it.  Sara and I managed a high five when we were done. I quickly asked them for a photo-op and they all willingly smiled and posed.

"I think having an official internet site will be good too," I said, as we were walking back towards the house.

"I can help with that," Sara said, smiling. "I make and design websites... that's kind of my job," she added.

"Yes, that's wonderful! I'm getting so excited just thinking about it," mom said in reply. I just nodded my head in approval.

"Okay. I'm cooking pancakes before we go to the funeral," dad said.


The service before the funeral was touching and somehow, comforting. I felt that even though I didn't know Sara's mom, Anne, personally, she seemed like a great woman. She didn't have any serious relationships after dad and that information was supplied to me by Sara. There were a lot of people and they all managed to say their condolence to Sara. There were a lot of hugging, crying and talking going on but the whole vibe of it was warm.

"You okay?" I asked Sara and she nodded her head. "Thank you for everything. I know that it's been a shock for you to know that you have a sister but I'm thankful that you're not so angry, you know?" she added.

"I wasn't really angry you know. Just confused and shocked... but it's okay now. I'm glad I met you. I think it's cool," I replied.

"That's nice to hear," she managed to say before being drowned once more in the sea of people.

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