chapter seven: portfolio

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so i'm really trying to make chapters and shorter so, yeah. more chapters everybody! haha! i really hope you read it over again and enjoy it over again. i'm really happy with the progress of my editing.

but you know, sadly, this is really sad. i swear. so, i copied everything from my previous chapters and now, they're gone so i have to make up whole new chapters (which is kinda like a second chance to start editing this thing?). i hope that you'll read it!

(A/N I found this on the internet so its not mine! Thanks for the photo whoever you are! IT IS SO PERFECT FOR MAH STORRRYYY. Now, look at it! HAHAHAHA. Fangirling)



o7 | portfolio


I was scanning my camera with the latest photos that I took of the group. Isla and Niall looked happy while Liam just stared at the camera with so much intensity that I thought for a moment, he was staring at me. It made my heart go jump again. Harry and Lou were playing Uno so damn intensely while Zayn was reading the Billboard magazine. After looking at them, I closed my camera and placed it inside my camera bag.

"York, love, may I see the photos you've taken?" Liam asked.

"Oh, the ones I've taken now? Wait, let me just get the came--"

"No, I mean, I'd love to see those too but what I meant were the other photos. Like, your portfolio. I'm really curious," he replied.

"Li, I know. But I really don't have the time to put one right now because of all the workshops and dates we have," I said, giving him a knowing smile. He kissed my cheek in reply.

"Are you free today then?"

"Huh? I thought that we're already out... with the lads?" I said, giving him a confused look.

"Oh come on. We'll ditch these suckers now," he answered, laughing at his language.

"Well, ditch them it is! Where are we off to, Mister Payne?" I asked, taking his hand.

"You'll see love. I'm dead serious about the portfolio," he replied.


Being the ever responsible guy that he was, he still left a note for the lads and stuck it on the refrigerator door. He also texted Harry of the note. I smiled at his gesture. He was just so considerate and polite.

As we got in the car, he kissed my temple and gave me a big smile. His reaction left me smiling the whole ride towards wherever we were going.

We passed by a route that I had never been through in my whole stay here and it made me curious. The farther we went, the taller the buildings seemed. Once we stopped, my eyes quickly scanned the area for some sort of sign of where we were. I was quite shocked to see that we were infront of a dull looking, gray building. It had no signs or whatever but Liam pulled me closer to himas we walked towards it.

"Umm, Li? Where exactly are we?" I said, looking around for more signs.

"I told you. We are on a date," he replied, smiling cheekily.

"Well, I hate to break it to you... but bringing a girl to a gray building isn't helping you out at all," I replied and he merely chuckled.

"I know for a fact, Miss Italia, that you are not just some girl and this is not just some building. I'm sure you'll love it. So come on, please? Trust me?" 

The moment he said that, my grip on his hand just got a bit tighter and I smiled more. Sometimes, I'd realize how lucky I was to be with Liam. He was such a great guy. A lot of girls were fawning over him, over One Direction, and the fact that he saw me, still blew my mind away.

Needless to say, I was quite stunned to what Liam has brought me into. 

It was a studio. A photography studio.


Liam's POV

I looked at her with curious eyes. What would her reaction be this time? Her brown eyes were as wide as saucers and it was filled with such astonishment and wonder. She went over the table where there were different lenses displayed and she touched them so delicately, studying every single detail of it. Suddenly, she spoke.

"Li, is this like a private tour? Who's the famous photographer then?" she said, smiling.

Oh brother. She didn't get it, did she? I smiled inwardly and cleared my throat.

"Love, this isn't a tour. This is our date. We'll be making your portfolio in here. I rented this place for a day," I replied.

York quickly came over and gave me bone-crushing hug. She kissed both my cheeks before proceeding to my lips. She held my face in her hands and I could feel her sincerity and gratitude coming over me. She was warm and she knew how to share her warmth... and I'm glad that it was with me. Her dimples showed as soon as she met my eyes.

"Thank you. I love this date. Thank you," she said.

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