chapter sixteen: advice

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16 | advice



What the hell was he doing?

Niall looked so dashing in his suit, it made my heart melt. Damn it, again, why was I even feeling this way? I suddenly remembered what Isla said.

"Even though you keep lying to yourself that you're not in love with him... You are, York."

Anyway, as soon as Niall got out of the tent, the other lads' heads were popping out of it with eyebrows furrowed. All of them had a "what's-going-on" look. I saw Liam studying Niall. He was looking at him from head to toe. Niall simply slung his guitar over his back and handed me a note. He gave me a sweet smile, meeting my eyes.

I think I blushed a bit when he did that.

But before I could even ask him what it was about, Reese informed me that the next scenes needed to be shot already so I placed his note inside my pocket and he already had his back turned to me.


We already shot the lads in their formal wear and their casual wear too. Everyone had so much energy and I was happy about the shoot overall. As I clicked on my mouse to see the next pictures, Reese and the other crew members were smiling.

"I'm glad that they found you! Your work is brilliant!" Reese exclaimed.

"Yeah, you could really capture the essence of the theme. Like, I could feel their aura of having fun just by looking at the picture," a guy said, who's name was actually Marc, as I found out later on.

"T-thanks... Your praise means a lot," I said, beaming.

Suddenly, a pair of arms enveloped my shoulders and everyone had a sheepish smile on their faces. My heart beat went quicker and before I could look, I heard Liam whispering in my ear. 

I could smell peppermint and chocolate as he talked. He smelled... nice. I smiled a bit.

"Are we done here, boss?" Liam said. I smiled and rolled my eyes in reply and he let me go, making me face him.

"Aren't you done yet?" He asked, his voice feigning disappointment.

"Well, you guys are done but the editing team and well, me, have to still work overtime. We need to look at the pictures and just.. fix 'em," I said. He gave my hand a small squeeze and then he grinned.

"Can I come?" He suddenly said.

I was caught a bit off guard as he said this. It was a good thing that his phone rang. He excused himself and I started thinking again.

Why couldn't I answer right away?



NIALL, My heart told me.

I heaved a sigh.

It was probably time to face the truth: My heart was really beating for that Irishman.

Suddenly, the note which I put inside my pocket started burning. Not literally, just... it felt like it was burning against my skin. To have my peace of mind, I quickly opened it and scanned it.

Meet me in the cabin whenever you're done. I have something of yours x  -N.



Everyone was packing up and my eyes followed York's movements. As she read my note, she looked directly at me and her eyes seemed to have wanted an explanation. She nodded her head towards me, so I got my sling bag and walked towards the van. A lump formed in my throat.

Would she come?

The girl was driving me nuts, insane, crazy... all the words that were similar to those!

After getting into the van, Zayn sat beside me and started talking to me in a hushed voice. I put my hands up and observed the others. Harry had his earphones plugged in with some pretty loud music while Louis was on the phone with El. He was smiling so happily that I couldn't help but smile for him as well. I gave Zayn a thumbs up and he gave me a half-smile.

"What's going on now, mate?" He asked.

"I'm fighting for York, mate. I need to... I want to," I said.

"... And Isla?" He asked.

"Well... I don't know, lad. Whether she gets her memory back or not, I'd still tell her that I'm in love with her bestfriend," I replied.

"So you... Wait--what? You're in love with her?" He asked, his eyebrows shooting up.

"MORE THAN FOOD?!" Louis suddenly asked. My head cocked to the side. Louis was already done with his conversation with El.

"Uh--- I... I... Yeah," I gave a defeated sigh.

"What did you tell Liam?" Harry soon said.


"You guys were listening in?!" I half-screamed, looking at Louis and Hazza. They nodded their heads like there was nothing wrong.


"I already told Liam what I would do," I said, trying not to meet their eyes.

"Mate, I don't know what really happened, but do what you have to do, yeah? You can't help the fact that you'll certainly hurt people... but that's love, isn't it?" Harry suddenly replied.

I was dumbfounded at what Harry said. Well, Louis and Zayn were too. Their mouths were gaping open. When did this kid get so damn smart?

"Hmm, my Hazza's growing up!" Louis said, enveloping Harry in a hug. Harry started pounding Louis' back and made muffled sounds.

"Uhh, Louis? I think Harry can't breathe," Zayn interjected. Louis quickly let go of him and Haz started coughing.

"Ugh... Too... much...hugging," He said and we laughed a bit.

"Anyway," Louis suddenly started, facing me, "I can't say that what you're doing is right, Ni. I mean, York is Liam's girlfriend. It would hurt him so much... It'd probably hurt you too. The saddest part about it is that you'd probably fight or something... so you need to work it out," He added.

"The three of you should," Zayn said.

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