chapter fourteen: talking

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14 | talking


She wanted to tell me something?

Oh, those sentences never lead to anything good.

Was she breaking up with me?

Oh my god.

I was freaking out.

Liam, love,” She said, eyeing me carefully.

“Y-yeah? York, if you’re breaking up with me, I don’t know what I did but I’m so sorry, I don’t want us to break up!” I said a bit too quickly.

She merely gave me a small smile and my eyes widened.

This woman was killing me! So she really was breaking up with me.

She was doing it in three…



“No, I’m not. I’m afraid that you would be the one to break up with me,” she said, resting her back to the hospital chairs.


“Niall and I… for those four hours, I was with him. He kissed me, I kissed him back. It was wrong, I know that… So, if you’re---"

No,” I said loudly.

She gave me a confused look. Her brown eyes were studying me, asking me what I meant. She was not moving from her position. She was just staring at me.

“What do you mean by ‘no’?” She finally asked.

“I’m not breaking up with you either. It was just a kiss. You didn’t sleep with him or anything, right?”

“U-uh, yeah, but… I kissed him, Liam. Like, I kissed him back. Aren’t you mad or anything?”

“No, I’m not. I’m letting this pass,” I said, calmly.

She laughed nervously and started playing with her hair.

“Why are you being so level-headed about this? I’m seriously scared right now, I don’t know what to make out of this… You have to explain this to me, Liam… I was seriously expecting you to flip out or something!” She breathed heavily.

“I didn’t come after you, thinking you needed the time to think… My fault was that I was that I wasn’t there for you when you needed me… And Niall, on the other hand, was there. That’s all there is to it. So, I’m mad at myself. I’m not mad that there was kissing, and anyway, you’re telling me now, right? You didn’t hide it or anything,”

“B-but Li---“

“Wait, do you want to break up?” I said my eyebrows up.

“Wh-what? N-no,” she exclaimed.

“So, we’re alright then,” I said.



This was seriously freaking me out. He didn’t want to break up?

Well, I didn’t want to either but I wasn’t expecting him to “let it pass".

I swallowed loudly and that was the moment that I realized that this guy was serious about me as it could get. He knew what he wanted and he was always firm with his decisions. He was the type to love you, even though you hurt him. He was so responsible and mature.

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