chapter fifteen: truth be told

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15 | truth be told


My best friend was still freaking out. It was like Isla pre-dating One Direction phase! I smiled a bit but my heart was heavy. I loved her so much that I wanted to bury what happened with Niall.

“It’s crazy, York! I mean, every single one of those lads have come in my room, wishing me well and you say that Niall is my boyfriend! I’m like totally fuh-reaking out right now!”

I smiled at her reaction again and sat beside her.

“Yes, love. I know. Let me tell you what happened exactly…”

Suddenly, she was silent. I looked at her and her gaze was... unlike I have ever seen before.

"W-what is it, Isla?" I asked, suddenly nervous. 

"I don't have amnesia, York. I... I know everything about Niall's feelings for you," she said quietly.

"What the--- I kissed him once, Isla. That's it. I didn't sleep with him and I truly feel sorry," I said.

"York. I pushed this amnesia thing this far because when I was with him... when I was with Niall... I truly realized that he was the right one for you. I saw all this traits that would make you two great together!" she carried on, tears in her eyes. As soon as she said it, tears were also forming in my eyes.

"I know that you can keep lying to yourself that you're not in love with him but really, York. You are. I saw glimpses of how he looked at you, you know. It was so meaningful... so full of love," Isla said, dabbing her right eye with tissue.

"I don't know what to do, Isla. Liam's everything a guy could ask for. Everything... and I feel like I shouldn't do this to him. I can't," I reasoned.

"But you should do it," she replied, looking into my eyes. "He deserves to be happy with someone who can give herself wholeheartedly," she added.

I nodded my head in reply. He did. Liam truly did deserve it. 


A month had passed. Isla was already out of the hospital and Vince was taking care of her right now. She promised not to tell anything to Niall or Liam yet. She said that I had to do this on my own and I was thankful for that. I wasn't able to find the right time to tell Liam yet because we were all so busy. The lads and I preparing and brainstorming for the photo shoot for their new photo book and photo exhibit.

The atmosphere between Sara and I was still a bit tense but I managed to forgive her, bit by bit. Harry started courting her as soon as everything settled down. He formally introduced himself to my mom and my dad… and well, to me. I scrunched my nose at the thought. I remembered that day all too well because he started calling me “Sis.” Sara laughed at my reaction and I just started beating him up.

The cheeky kid was dating my step-sister!

I stretched my arms up in the air. I was currently in my room, styling my hair in a high ponytail. I threw on a jean polo shirt and black leggings. As I went out of the room, I grabbed a pair of teal, sequin pumps when I met Sara in the hallway.

Her black hair was in its usual wavy style. She was in a white cropped top, blue vest, jeans and black ankle boots. I smirked.

“Are you meeting with Harry in the photo shoot?” I asked and her usually pale white skin absorbed some color. She gulped loudly and she was suddenly interested in her bag.

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