chapter eight: bombshell

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o8 | bombshell 


I was pretty sure that Liam was my muse right now. He was the subject of almost all my photos. I took pictures with the macro and micro lenses and showed it to him. He would always smile when I did.

"You're pretty much a professional, love," he said, smiling before posing again.

"Well, now I know that something has come out from all those photography workshops I attended," I replied. 

After finishing the last shot, I took the micro card from the camera and quickly plugged it into the laptop that was waiting on top of the table. Liam followed me as soon as I sat down. I scrolled through the shots and he was nodding his head, his eyes full of amazement and delight.

"York! These are wonderful! I can't believe it!" he exclaimed.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really," he answered me, kissing the top of my forehead.

"We better print those out and head to the park," he said, putting on his leather jacket.

"The park?" I said. "Don't you need some security first? It's an open space, love! I don't want you getting mobbed," I added.

"You're adorable when you're jealous. It's quite alright, though. There's a security team already waiting there. They won't bother us though. You'll see," Liam said, smiling.

"What are we going to do there then?" I said. He only replied with a chuckle.


Apparently, the answer was to take more pictures. He wanted me to take landscape photos, scenery type ones and people-oriented ones. He told me that he was dead serious in seeing my portfolio. I must admit, I was having so much fun in taking pictures and then showing Liam, looking at what expression he might have.

Once we were done, he took the camera bag for me and slung it over his shoulder. He held my hand as we walked.

"Oh, right! My mom has finally found a perfect space for her cupcake shop. It's at the corner of the Sixth Avenue," I said.

"Oh, that's good! What are you doing now then?"

"They'll be fixing the padding of the walls, I think. Then we could probably have it painted by Monday next week," I said.

"Will you be the ones to paint or will you hire men for that?" he asked.

"Well, I think that we'll be painting it with some hired men," I replied, smiling at him.

"Then that's done, I guess. The lads and I are men so we'll help you out," he said, puffing out his chest a bit. I laughed as he said this.

"Really? You're not kidding?"

"I'm not!"

"How are we supposed to pay you guys? It's not like we have funds for that!"

"You're not really supposed to. That's what a boyfriend would do for a girlfriend he loves. No payment needed... well, okay, we just need two dozens of cupcakes!" he said, kissing me after. 

After breaking away, I grinned at him and we held hands as we walked towards his car.


As I stepped inside our house, my mom and dad were talking to a raven-haired girl who seemed older than I was. As soon as I dropped my bag on the couch, the both of them froze.

"York! I thought that you were with Isla... and the... umm, the lads?" my mom greeted me.

"It was over sooner that expected," I answered, gazing at the girl who was still seated. She had long, wavy hair and brown eyes. "So, this is?" I added. A shot of panic passed through the girl's seemingly familiar eyes and my dad suddenly put his hands on top of hers.

"This is Sara Inkwell, your half sister," he finally said.

I froze on the spot. No wonder she had a pair of familiar looking eyes. Yeah, they looked just like dad's. I wanted to ask so many questions but none would come out.

"How?" was the only thing I managed to say. Seeing that my mom and dad were frozen, Sara began to speak.

"Dad was in a relationship with my mom, Anna for two years. Of course, that all happened before he met your mom. Things with my mom didn't work out but he still sent us money, you know, to help us get by," she said. Sensing that I wasn't going to reply, she continued talking.

"But she... my mom, passed away yesterday and I didn't know whom to call or turn to so I ended up here," she said.

"I'm gonna go up first," I said, going up to my room to pack my things. My mom was quick to follow me.

"I know it was wrong to keep her from you, hon. But we just didn't know how to tell you," she said, pleading in her eyes.

"So you knew about all this? And of course, why would anyone bother to tell York!" I said.

"It was wrong, we're sorry. Please, don't go, York," she said.

"Mom, I need some space. I'm just confused and shocked. Don't follow me please. Just... don't. I'll come home soon enough."



I was shocked to hear her quivering voice. I made a U-turn as soon as I heard her. She seemed like she was crying.

"Hello, love? I'm almost there. Just wait, please," I said, genuinely worried. "Okay," she whispered and then ended the call.

As soon as I got her inside the car, with her duffel bag and camera, I noticed that her eyes were red and her nose was getting a bit too swollen. I parked at the side and cupped her face. She looked at me with such a sad expression.

"I have a sister. A half-one, though. And they've kept it from me for all these years," she said, slumping her shoulders and looking away.

I didn't know what to say so I just hugged her and kissed her forehead, hoping that everything was alright. We stopped by near the beach to get some fresh air. I slung my jacket over her and she rested her head on my shoulder. She was freezing.

"Do you feel better?" I asked, holding her closer to me.

"Yes. Thank you, love. I'm just confused about it all, you know. I think that I'll just go over Isla's place first. I'll clear up my head there then I'll probably come back after a day or two to the house," she said.

After an hour more, I drove her over to Isla's.


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