~Chapter 7~

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A/N: 'This Means Thinking'
A/N: I know they don't got to the mall until they do their final exams but I thought I'd do it this way for fun! :)
N/N stands for nickname

The next day was Sunday, soon Y/N's weekend was coming to a close and she wanted to make the best out of the time she had left. She woke up in her old room at the LoV, instead of the couch she fell asleep on last night with Dabi. She glanced around the room, but there was no sign of Dabi.

Knock Knock Knock~

"Come in." Y/N rubbed her tired eyes as the door opened and Toga came inside her room. She wore a white tanktop, pink shorts, little bunny slippers, and her buns were now down.

"Hey Y/N, goodmorning!~" Toga jumped onto Y/N's bed making them both bounce. "Hey Himi, goodmorning."
Y/N yawned. "Probably wondering why you're not on the couch with Dabi?~" She definitely knew somthing. "Toga, what did you do?" Y/N lifted one eyebrow at the girl. "Oh I didn't do anything. Once you fell asleep Dabi brought you back up here so you wouldn't get embarrassed when the rest of the league woke up.~" Toga stood up and searched Y/N's closet for clothes. "How did you know that?" Y/N swong her legs off the side of the bed. "I was walking to the bathroom when Dabi was carrying you in the hall. Anyways, you're going to need this.~" Toga pulled out a Black hoddie, black shorts, and some black and white checkered Van's for Y/N to wear. Y/N gets up from her bed and walks over to Toga. "Why do I need these?" Y/N takes the cloths from Himiko. "We're going to the mall!~"

Once Y/N gets out of the bathroom, she walks downstairs to the bar were everyone is waiting for her. "Took you long enough fire breath." Kurogiri opens his portal. "Took you long enough to accept that chapstick I gave you, don't think I don't smell it all over you Shiggy. Awww strawberry!" Y/N sniffs the air. "You little-" "Okay bye~" Y/N jumps though Kurogiri's portal while cutting off Shigaraki. The other villain's follow her with all their hoods up.

The group goes inside the mall and starts to walk past stores. "Hey so um, why are we here again?" Y/N asks from the center of the group, it would look like she the leader to anyone who looks at them. "Well you mentioned a summer training camp last night so, we thought you would need some stuff for it." Dabi answers with his head low and hood up. "Well that makes sense. Hey Toga, let's go in here!" Y/N stops in front of a bathing suit store. "Ooo! Ya let's go!~" Toga drags Y/N into the store. "Meet us at the fountain in 3 hours!" Y/N tells at Dabi and Shigaraki while she gets dragged deeper into the store. "Ya whatever!" She sees the two boys walk away from the store front.

Toga and Y/N looked at flip flops, scrunchies, and bathing suits. Y/N was fixed on the scrunchies, she didn't know what color to pick. While Toga was trying on bathing suits in the changing room, coming out everytime she has on one she likes. Y/N starts to hear familiar voices. She looks to her side and sees Mina and Uraraka looking at the scrunchies on the table aswell.
Y/N makes eye contact with Mina. Uraraka walks way to the back of the store and dosen't even notice her.

"Oh hey Y/N! What are you doing here?" Mina puts her arm around Y/N and pulls down her hood. "Oh hey uh, just looking for stuff for the trip heh." Y/N slowly puts her hood back up and continues to look at the scrunchies. "Are you here with anyone?" Mina removes her arm and picks up one on the scrunchies. "Uhhhh."

Just then Toga opens the changing room door to show Y/N her bathing suit. "N/N! Look at this one!~" Toga comes out with a black bathing suit on and her hair buns down. "Himi! We don't even have a pool! We just came in here to get away from the dudes! Would you rather watch Handy disintegrate scar faces dick off!" Y/N walks over to Toga and pushes her back into the changing room. "Get dressed and I promise you can take- I mean buy somthing. And I'll do your hair buns!" Y/N leans against the door with her arms crossed. "REALLY? DEAL!~" Toga shouts from inside the changing room. "Sorry about that Mina! She's a little crazy." Y/N goes back over to the scrunchies. "Well you and whoever's else is here have fun, I'll see you tomorrow!" Mina walks off with Uraraka following behind her.

"I'm definitely going to stab them at the camp.~" Toga walks out with her black clothes on. "Okay so... which one do you want?" Y/N points at the scrunchies waiting for Toga to pick one. "Ohhh, these two!~" Toga picks up two white ones. "Alrighty here ya go! Just disappear and follow me out." Toga holds her breath and clears her mind making her invisible to those around her. Y/N starts to walk out of the store until she reaches the nearby water fountain.

Toga appears once again sitting next to her on the fountains edge. "Okay take your hood down, give me some rubber bands, oh and hold these." Y/N pulls out a pair of flip flops she had stored in her hoodie. "You took these too?!~" Toga pulls out the same pair of flip flops from her hoodie and they both laugh. Y/N ties Himiko's hair into two buns on the side of her head. To finish it off she puts the white scrunchies around them. Toga gives Y/N a side hug to thank her.

Y/N looks over and sees Deku walking over to the fountain and sitting next to both if them. Y/N quickly pulls Toga's hood up and pulls her away to the nearest store. "What was that for N/N?~" Y/N pulls her phone out and starts to text Dabi. "We need to leave, there are too many people I know here right now." Toga nods and grips the knife in her pocket. "Leaving so soon ladies?" The villains turn around and see Mineta looking out their butts. "Mineta you perv! Go away." Y/N picks him up and flings him across the mall. "See what I'm talking about Himi?" Toga nods at Y/N again and the two begin to walk towards the mall's exit.

But as they get closer the the exit an alarm sound signaling that a villain was spotted at the mall. Y/N and Toga look at each other and nod. Y/N takes Toga's knife and heats it up in her mouth until its bright orange. As the two walk though the group of people, Toga burns peoples legs as they pass them to get them to move out of the way as they run. "HEY, VILLAINS" Y/N looks back as they run and sees Kirishima pointing at the two of them as they burn peoples legs. Y/N had no time for this and blew a huge fire wall that will only allow her and Toga though it.

Soon the two make it back to the bar, both of them are out of breath and they have blood splattered on their cheeks. Inside is Dabi sitting at the bar and Shigaraki watching the news. "Y/N, did you almost burn the entire mall down?" Shigaraki continues to watch the T.V. "Uhh, not on purpose." Y/N and Toga rip off their hoodies and put their stolen goodies on the couch with them. "Just... go to bed you two." Shigaraki sounds disappointed and tried. "Okay Shigaraki." Y/N does what he says not wanting to anger him any further. She goes upstairs and falls asleep in her old bed.

'I wish I never agreed to this.'

1379 Words

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