~Chapter 4~

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A/N: 'This means thinking'

  The rest of Aizawa's class went smoothly. Surprisingly, no classmates interrupted him and no fights broke out like they usually do.

  Once he finished the lesson, Aizawa wrapped himself in his yellow sleeping bag and took a nap on his desk. Some classmates started studying, others sat alone, but the majority of the class got into little groups and chatted amongst themselves. One group in particular came over to Y/N and sat in the empty seats around her. The group included a pinked skinned girl with black eyes, a boy with tape dispensers on his elbows, another boy with a black lightning bolt in his yellow hair, another boy with spikey red hair that stood straight up, and in the back alone leaning on a desk instead of sitting in it was Katsuki Bakugo.

  "Hi there! L/N right?" The pink girl asked Y/N. "Yep that's me! But please, just call me Y/N." The incognito villain smiled at the group. "Okay then! Well I'm Mina Ashido, the tape boy is Hanta Sero, our little pikachu here is Denki Kaminari, this red head is Eijiro Kirishima, and the boom boom boy back there is Katsuki Bakugo." The group smiled at Y/N and snickered at Mina's nickname for Bakugo. "It's nice to meet you all! I hope we will all get to know each other better in the near future."
Y/N readjusted herself in her chair. Hearing those words come out of her mouth made her insides turn.

  "Hey Y/N, don't you already know Baku-bro?" Kirishima asked. "Yeah, it doesn't seem like he's so fond of you by the looks of it." Sero added. Y/N glanced up at Bakugo and made eye contact for a few seconds before looked back at the group in front of her. Y/N calmly placed her hands on her desk folding them slightly. "No, it was just a misunderstanding that's all." Y/N was lying though her teeth.

  "He looked like he was about to beat the shit out of you when you first walked in earlier!" The group looked at Kaminari in shock. "Woah dude! When did you start cursing?!" Kirishima asked laughing the littlest bit. "What! I'm just trying to fit it,  it seems as if everyone cusses but me!" Kaminari put his hands in front of his face in defense. "Well Y/N doesn't curse, now does she?" Sero and the rest of the group look at the girl in front of them. "Oh well shit, you fucking caught me!" Y/N put her hands in front of her face like Kaminari did. "I stand corrected!" Kaminari said putting his hands behind his head and leaning backward in his chair.

  "Miss. L/N! How dare you say such naughty words! As class rep, I should report such behavior to Mr. Aizawa! But since he's asleep, and you're new, I'll let it slide!" Y/N was guessing this was the boy Aizawa was talking about earlier in the hall, Iida. "Oh shut your trap four eyes, leave her alone." Y/N looked up to see that none other then Bakugo was defending her.

  'He must've realized he didn't recognize me and this is way of saying sorry? I'm really not sure with this boy. At least he isn't onto me anymore.'

  "Don't think I'm not onto you anymore Y/N, but take that as an apology for either." Bakugo and Y/N made eye contact for about a minute. The stare was intense, they were both looking at each other with cold, dead eyes.

  'Guess I was wrong, but also right at the same time.'

  Y/N finally broke the stare and continued to talk with her new friends.

  "Hey, do you mind if I sit with you guys at lunch since, you know." Y/N started to rub the back of her neck just because of the thought of rejection.

  'It's not like I would care anyway, I'm so use to being on my own so why would thi-'

  "Yeah of course! You really didn't even need to ask. After all we are friends! You could've just came over and sat down." Mina interrupted Y/N's thoughts and grabbed her hands. Y/N flinched at Mina's touch, she wasn't use to people giving her affection. " Oh sorry Y/N, I should've asked first." Mina removed her small hands from Y/N with a sad smile. "Oh no, it's fine Ashido really. It's just... I'm not use to people touching me." Y/N grabbed Mina's hands and held them with a convincing smile. "Oh well, still. And you can call me Mina, people calling me Ashido makes me feel weird heh." Mina held Y/N's hands back and returned the smile. "Of course Mina!" The two friends laughed at each other and let go of the others hands.

  The group continued to talk with each other making sure not to curse loud enough for Iida to hear. Soon Bakugo joined them after he got tired of standing. He said few words but when
Y/N talked he seemed to listen carefully to what she said. When she wasn't talking, Y/N caught Bakugo staring at her multiple times out of the corner of her eye. This caused her to tense up every time, she would clench her skirt and grind her teeth against each other. But for the most part, she tried to ignore his stares.

  Soon the bell rang and different groups got and left the room randomly. Y/N ended up leaving beside Kirishima, he was the group member that noticed when Y/N tensed up at random moments. So he decided to ask her about it.

   "Hey Y/N, I noticed you got all tense all of a sudden back there, what happened? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to though, I completely understand. I mean you just met me so." "Kiri, you're rambling." Y/N confronted Kirishima while they walked side by side in the crowded hallway. "Oh ya sorry haha." Kirishima laughed it off and listened to Y/N. "Well actually, Bakugo kept staring at me in class and it made me uncomfortable. I don't really like when people stare."
Y/N looked down and clenched her skirt once more. "Hey don't worry about it, I'm sure he has a good reason. I'll talk to him about it, okay?"Kirishima bent down a little to see Y/N who was looking at the ground. Y/N looked up at Kirishima and smiled, "Thanks Kiri, I would really appreciate that." The two continued to walk to the lunch room side by side.

  Y/N walked out of the lunch line with her food on the tray. The lunchroom was huge but luckily Y/N found the table with her new friends sitting down. She greeted them and sat next to Mina. The table continued to talk about random things until the subject about villains was brought up. Y/N tried not to tease up at the new subject.

  "Guys, have you heard about the new villain V/N?" (Villain Name) Kaminari asked the table. "Oh ya I've heard of her! She has a fire quirk right? Or at least something to do with heat." Kirishima added. "I haven't heard any new stories about her lately though. It's like she taking a break or something. Weird for a completely new villain who already gained so much attention. " Mina chimed in on the conversation. "Well she's actually not new at all, the league took m- her in when she was little." Y/N added to the conversation about her almost slipping up. "Woah, how did you know that Y/N?" Sero asked. Y/N looked at Bakugo slightly and then turned her gaze toward Sero. " I uh, I... read an article?" Y/N answered sounding like a question. "Ooh~ send me that link!" Kirishima said excitedly. Y/N nodded and picked up her chopsticks and began to put the soba into her mouth.

  Everything was calm until Bakugo spoke up,"Well I actually fought V/N during the USJ attack." Y/N dropped her chopsticks on the lunchroom floor. She clenched her teeth once again as she thought that this was the end. That she had been caught, a mission unsuccessful. " Woah! Really! That's so cool Baku-bro!" Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero turned there attention to Bakugo. Bakugo gazed at the shooken up Y/N. She continued to look down at the table wide eyed with her hand still were she once held her chopsticks.

"Hey N/N, (NickName) are you okay? You dropped your chopsticks." Mina put her hand on Y/N's back and picked up her utensils from the ground. The boys continued to talk from the other side of the table. Y/N took the chopsticks from Mina and put them on her own tray.
Y/N looked up at Mina and up on a fake smile. "Uh yeah, I'm fine. I just... the soba is too cold! I'll just heat it up with my breath." Although the soba was at the perfect temperature, Y/N breathed in and blew a light, but visible, fire on her soba. The whole table turned to Y/N as she blew the fire. Y/N took at bite of the steaming hot soba and pretended it was perfect. " Aw much better." She swallowed the soba whole.

  "So Y/N, why don't you tell us more about V/N that you learned from this 'artical'." Bakugo air quoted the word article. "Aw well, it, uh. It didn't really say much, and that thing I told you is all I remember anyways." Even though Y/N was lying, she said this with confidence. "Oh well then. What's that scar on your jaw line from?" Bakugo leaned back and pointed at the big scar that ran from Y/N's ear to the tip of her chin. "When I was little I fell off my bike and slid my face on the tip of a rock." Another lie, but it was fast and believe. Bakugo looked surprised at her answer and backed off.

  Kaminari looked over at Kirishima and laughed. "The tip of a rock." Kaminari pointed at Kirishima's pants (You Know Were) and started laughing his ass off. "Shut the hell up Kaminari!" Kirishima slapped Kaminari on the back of his head. Soon Kirishima and the rest of the table, including Y/N and Bakugo, were laughing their heads off. Y/N held her stomach and wiped a single tear off her cheek. She had been laughing so hard she had tears, and so did the rest of the table.

  'This might actually be fun'

1782 Words

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