~Chapter 1~

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                                                                                  ~3 Person POV~

  Y\N climbed fast down the fire escape and continued to run through the dark and dirty alleyway. Currently, she had about 2 or 3 heroes chasing after her after she robbed a corner store. It was a normal thing to Y\N that she was being chased by these 'wanna be heroes,' after all, she is a villain. And a very good one for that matter.

  She was actually surprised by the turn out of how many heroes came to chase after her. Usually it was way more, around 5 or 6. Heroes were getting scarce these day after The Hero Killer Stain was captured by some other 'wanna be heroes' from UA. The press didn't say it was UA students, but the word on the streets is that it was 3 first years from class 1-A. Word travels fast when your a villain. 

Especially when it's about another villain.

  Y\N finally got rid of the heroes and was on her way to the LoV hideout. Every step she took the dirt in the ally crunched under her feet, reminding her to keep her guard, and her hood, up. She didn't know who could sneak up on her around here. But the typical thug or pickpocket stands no chance against her. She'll just burn their face off if they even get close to her or her plastic bag full of stolen goodies from the corner store.

Y\N stepped up the concrete stairs leading to the front door of the bar. She placed her small hand on the doorknob twisting it, then walking into the bar. "Greetings bitches!" Y\N announces while she steps onto the hardwood flooring.

All heads turn towards the front door where Y\N is standing.

"Y\N! YOU'RE BACK!" Toga yells running toward the door.

Toga is Y\N's best friend. They both knew they were going to get along ever since Toga first stepped into their hideout. It was even better when she officially joined the league.

"Yes I am Toga! And before you ask, yes I missed you." Y\N patted the top of Toga's head while the blond clung to her arm. Toga's face was over exaggerated with happiness from seeing her best friend once again.

"Did you get it Y\N?" Shigaraki asked while his eyes where glued to the T.V. screen. It looked like he was watching the news.

"No Shiggy, I was chased here by heroes for no reason." Y\N say sarcastically.

Y\N walked over to the bar and placed the plastic bag on the surface. She started to pull out the items and hand them to the other villains they now belong to. "Okay so, the cigarettes for Dabi. Gum for my girl Toga. A cookie for Kurogiri. And for Shiggy, chap-stick!"

"I didn't ask for chap-stick Y\N! I didn't ask for anything!" Shigaraki pushed the container away towards the girl.

"Oh Shiggy, my dear Shiggy. You didn't need to ask. I mean, just look at your lips! What girl is going to want to kiss those blocks of sand paper!" Y\N was now inches away from Shigaraki's face and she was lifting up his 'father' that was on his face. "Look at those things!" "Don't touch me fire breath!" Shigaraki pushed away Y\N angrily and continued to watch the news.

"Hey, thanks for the cigarettes hot breath." Dabi nudged Y\N shoulder with his elbow. "Oh no problem Dabi!" Y\N was now face to face with Dabi with a smile on her face. They were both stuck in and awkward staring contest, neither one of them knew what to say now. A slight blush crept up both of their faces. Finally someone broke the awkward silence.

"Oh Y\N! You got my favorite flavor gum! You know me so well, thank you!" Toga was slightly jumping up and down with the gum in her fists. "You're welcome Toga! You are my best friend after all." Y\N put one hand on her hip and smiled at her BFF.

" I didn't even ask for anything Y\N." Kurogiri stated in a monotone voice. "Aw, I thought you would be more happy Giri! I mean, I would be happy if I got a cookie!" Y\N put her elbows on the surface of the bar and rested her chin in her hands. "Well I am happy Y\N, it's just. We have a mission for you and we know you won't be happy about it." Kurogiri started to clean the dirty glasses with a white rag. "Whattt. I love the missions you and Shiggy put me on!" Kurogiri stopped wiping the glasses and put them down.

"Y\N your going to be enrolled at...


"WHAT! WITH THOSE PREPPY ASSHOLES? NO. WAY." Y\N threw her arms in the air and developed a scowl on her face. She would rather be anywhere but UA. She border line hated all of them ever since the USJ attack. Everyone in class 1-A at least.

"Calm down fire breath. You will be feeding us information about anything you deem helpful to the league. And I'm NOT taking NO for an answer, got it?" Shigaraki was visibly getting angry with Y\N. And she has leaned to not mess with him when hes angry.  She is going to have to give in.

"Fine. But how?" Y\N calmed down and sat on the bar stool.

"Kurogiri is going to go in to UA and talk to the staff. Hes going say how amazing you are and how hes been training you for years blah blah blah. He's going to try to get you into class 1-A. They are a group we need to worry about."

"So I'm forced to go into UA, AND I have to be with the group of people I have the most, great. And how are they not going to recognize Kurogiri?" Y\N asks

"Well all they know is that Kurogiri was a portal. They haven't seen his whole body and they don't even know his name." Shiggy answers. "You'll also have to stay in their dorms."

{AN I know they don't have dorms yet in the anime or manga, but they will in this story.}

"Just GREAT!" This information just pissed off Y\N more. She got up from her bar stool and walked over the stairs. "I'm going in my room if you need me." "Can I come Y\N!?" Toga asked, desperately wanting to hang out with her best friend. "Not today Toga, I need to absorb this information. Maybe tomorrow, okay?" "Okay..." Toga was upset, but happy that she got offered to hang out tomorrow. 

"Oh and you start next week fire breath!" Shiggy shouted up the stairs. He got no answer in return just a faint 'ugh'.

Y\N flopped down on her mattress. And stared at the ceiling. Y\N was a little pissed off, but she also knew she could get her revenge.

1145 words~

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