Chapter Twenty-Two

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I woke up in the hospital. I am confused. I feel super tired and drowsy. I look over to my left and I see Maya in the chair sleeping. I try to open my mouth to call to her, but nothing comes out. My mouth felt like cotton and dry.

I tried moving my hand and that is when I hear his voice.

"Hey, don't try to talk," I turn my head and I see Xavier. I smile as best I can.

"Maya, she's awake," Maya gets up and immediately rushes to my side along with Aaron.

"My baby. I am so sorry that you had to go through that. I am here," she started sobbing and kissing my face. I started to cry because I never meant to hurt anyone or make them worry about me.

"I am so happy that you are okay," Aaron said. He is holding my other hand. I felt so loved. I finally got some water and I drank a lot. That must have been why I could not speak when I woke up.

"Hey, guys. I love you," I said once I got done drinking the water. My voice is raspy, but at least I could talk.

"We love you too," Maya said. Xavier looked like he is fighting back tears and even though it hurt to do so I put my arm up to his face and he looked at me then.

I knew they all wanted answers. Hell, I did not even fully grasp what happened yet. Plus, Emma is still someone that needs to be apprehended. I knew I had to speak to the cops, but I am willing to share everything that happened that day.

Lily stabbed me in the stomach and managed to miss all the important organs somehow. When I stabbed her with the scissors, I managed to get her in the neck. I was not aiming anywhere specific just wanted it all to stop. Her to stop. I found out from Maya that where I stabbed her killed her. I cried. I never meant to or wanted to hurt anyone and what happened to me will never be able to go away.

My dad visited and my siblings. They all told me how brave I was and made me laugh, which hurt. I did have to get stiches and I had to stay in the hospital for a couple more days to make sure everything goes right and heals right.

I got my answers and I could finally be at peace. My family is safe, and I am safe now. I could not wait to start my new life with my foster and biological family.

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