Chapter Eight

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Aria Davis was the first to arrive at the house. She was not too tall, but she was not short. She was like a happy medium. Her hair is long with light curly hair and it suited her crazy personality. She always has spunk and is all around funny. She dresses in fashionable clothes, but she doesn't care if it is in season or not. If she likes it she will wear it. She looks like both her mom and dad mixed together. She has blue eyes and pale skin. I wouldn't say Aria is my favorite, but we are definitely closer than her other siblings. Aria loves everyone with equal love and I swear if she could she would spread all the love she had to anyone. That's probably why I get along with her more than her other siblings. Of course she was the first one to tackle me in a hug after our group hug I initiated.

"Can't breathe!" I yelled at Aria, but she laughed and tightened the hug more until James and Allie came over to us.

James and Allie were six and nine. Never saw what their dad looked like, but I can tell Allie looks like her dad and James looks like his mom. They both ran up to me and attacked me in hugs. Almost made me fall over. Everyone laughed at them.

Justin laughed and was next to hug me, while he did he ruffled my hair and said, "Welcome to the family, sis," with a smile. I met him the day I came back from my dads. I can tell he looks like his mom more than his dad. He has a big smile and has blonde hair and blue eyes. He's fairly tan and well built. Annabelle smiles at me and hugs me as well. Then stands next to Justin. I assume she was shy and didn't know what to say. You could see the little baby bump she has. Annabelle is four months pregnant and is going to be due in June.

Sarah and Austin were the last ones to show up at the house. They had their kids with them and they all were very shy. I think it was a family thing because they all seemed to keep to themselves. I do not think they mean to, it was just a part of them. They still welcomed me with warm smiles and hugs. I felt my heart swell with so much love and appreciation that it could burst from my chest. Remember the Grinch That Stole Christmas? The end when his heart grows with so much love? That is exactly how I feel, only I was never evil in the beginning.

Sarah engulfed me in a giant hug, she was like Aria, but a little more outgoing and a lot more obnoxious, but I loved her anyways. She had brown eyes and dark brown straight hair. She looked like she could be a model. Austin has blue eyes with brown hair and he kept it short. He was quiet, but once you get to know him he opens up more. He and the kids did not hug me, but I think that would have been awkward. He seems more down to earth than Sarah, but that's probably why they get along so well. Ryan and Elijah are twins and look a lot like Austin. They have brown eyes with blue in them and blonde hair.

Maya clapped her hands and made everyone look at her, "Okay, lets get inside and the girls will start dinner and," she looked at me and smiled, "Skye, you can just go inside and do whatever your heart desires." I smiled back at her and I almost cried because she is making this day about me and I could never have asked for a more united family. I finally felt like I belonged.

I did feel a little out of place, but that is mostly because I am not used to everyone being here. The house is buzzing with children running and playing and adults talking and the T.V. playing. It was just a lot to take in. I didn't really know what to do with myself. I think that's why Aria came up to me.

"Hey, you okay, sugar?" Aria asked.

"Yeah, I'm good. I'm just not used to so many people around. I am an only child after all. This much attention is a little overwhelming. But it's a good overwhelming." I said while taking everything in. Justin came in then and sat next to Aria and ruffled her hair and Aria huffed and glared at her brother.

"Whatcha guys gossiping about?" Justin asked.

"Oh, ya know, just that you're a pain and no one can stand you," Aria replied. I couldn't help but laugh because they started a bantering argument and it all just seemed so normal. I know I keep feeling this way, but I don't know any other way to describe what is happening.

"Oh hush you two," Sarah said after sitting across from me in a small cozy rocking chair.

"He started it," Aria said to Justin who just laughed at her.

"You guys have your entire life to catch up on petty bantering fights," Sarah turned to me and smiled, "today is about Skylar. The new member of this family." Once again I had to stop myself from crying.

I excused myself to go outside just to take a breather so I could process fully what was happening.

"Want any company?" I turned and saw Austin with a Dr. Pepper in his hand and his other in his front pocket. He seemed nervous, but we're family, and I am sure it will be all okay.

"Oh, yeah sure. Sorry, I just needed to take a step away." I turned around and leaned on the railing. Maya and Aaron owned a small house that had a wrap around porch and I loved it. There was a small pond in the back and they have a bench set up so you can see the sunrise on the pond. It's one of my favorite places to go to collect my thoughts.

"I don't blame you. When I first met Maya and Aaron and the rest of Sarah's family it was a lot to take in. I was so nervous to meet them all. I mean I grew up with one sister and it was completely different from how close this family is. It makes me feel like I'm part of this whole new experience that I honestly cannot get enough of. I just want you to know, that if you ever need anything, I mean anything at all, just let me know. Life is hard enough on your own, may as well have people there to support you," Austin took a drink and just kept looking out over the porch. I looked at him and stared. I couldn't believe that came from Austin. He was so quiet.

I went over and gave him a hug. He knew exactly how I felt and I honestly couldn't find any words to say. Plus actions speak louder than words. He returned my hug and after he ruffled my hair and smiled.

"Thank you, Austin. I truly appreciate you. There is just so much going on and I finally feel like I belong here. I finally feel like I am apart of something big and there is so much love. It's almost explosive. I'm just not used to it. Especially with everything with my dad. I just appreciate everything you guys are willing to do for me. I'm not even apart of this family and my own doesn't go to the lengths you guys do." I started to cry and Austin gave me a hug without saying anything.

"Everything okay, Skylar?" Aaron asked from the screen door.

"I've got her Aaron, she'll be okay. Just letting out some steam." Austin answered. That's when I knew I made the right choice. This family is everything I could have ever asked for.


The dinner went smoothly. Everyone was laughing telling embarrassing stories, poking fun and of course, small chit chat. I felt like I was in a movie. But I knew the storm was coming. Just did not know when. Tomorrow is another day, but for now I have this whole family to myself who loves me and want nothing from me other than happiness and acceptance.

Everyone said bye to me and gave me hugs, even the kids, who I thought would've taken a bit more time to warm up to me. I did play with them. Going on wild pirate adventures and lava exploding frenzies. It was a very eventful night and I am so happy that everyone is accepting of me. I was so worried someone wouldn't, which was dumb considering their Maya and Aaron's kids.

Once everyone left, I went up to my room to prepare for bed. As I was getting my pajamas ready and about to head into the shower my cell phone rang. I didn't know who would call me this late.

"Hello?" I said as I answered the phone. No one was answering. I was just hearing creepy whispering and breathing. I hung up after asking who's there. I figured it was just a prank, teenagers think it's funny to prank people by scaring them. It takes a lot to scare me though. So, they'll have to try harder.

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