Chapter Two

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The factory itself was pretty big and when I first started in December of 2012. I was constantly getting lost. I have been here for three years now and I know the factory inside and out by now. I think Piper does too. She started a year after I did.

Once we arrived inside Sophie, our boss' daughter, was there and she greeted us as Piper and I signed in. Sophie's mom was our main boss, but her mom worked as the accountant there and she sometimes didn't have time to clean with us and that's when Sophie came in. The job didn't last for very long. We usually got everything done at 10-11am, which is not very long for getting there at 8:00.

Today we finished pretty easy. Piper and I never crossed paths with one another. Sophie had me help her do the downstairs while Piper did the offices and I felt sorry for her. She had to vacuum and that was probably the worst part of the job. I would take cleaning the toilets over that any day.

Piper and I met back up at Sophie's mom, office to see if we were okay to go, but she wasn't in there so we had to hunt her down. Usually she's downstairs though, so that is where we went to first.

We found her in the cafeteria with Wade, her boyfriend.

"Are we good to go, or...?" I asked her. I sometimes didn't like asking her because she looked so stressed.

"Is everything upstairs done?" She looks at Piper.

"Yes, ma'am," She replied.

"Yeah, you guys are good to go," replied Sophie.

"Thank God," I thought.

Piper and I walked back to the office wrote in what time we left and said goodbye to Sophie, who was now getting ready to leave and walked out. I turned to Piper as we walked to my car, "It felt like the day was never going to end."

"I could've ran a mile thirty times by now," she exaggerated.

"What am I going to do with you?" I say while laughing.

"You know you couldn't live without me," she winked.

She was right, I couldn't live without her. She was my only friend and I couldn't afford to lose anyone else in my life. I looked at her and couldn't help but smile.

The weather was nice, but it started raining like cats and dogs. Piper and I ran to the car and she complained about her hair and clothes getting wet.

"Oh, hurry up! I'm getting soaked over here!" Piper yelled.         

My keys had a remote to it, but the unlock button was broke and I don't know how it broke considering it worked when I got the car. So I had to manually unlock the car by putting the key in and unlocking the car from the inside.

"I am sorry, I'm going as fast as I can," I replied as soon as I sat in the driver's seat and unlocked the door for Piper.

Piper looked at me with a mischievous grin and I knew I was in trouble. Usually it meant she had something planned that I was going to regret and because I knew her so well I didn't even want to ask, so I ignored her.

"You want to get some Subway?" Piper asked. She already knew my answer.

"Heck yeah!" Subway was probably the best food after a hard day of work.

Once we got our subway we sat down at one of the tables and started eating. Piper was dating a guy named Onyx and he was also a really good friend of mine. I could tell they were meant for each other. Onyx is very smart and funny, while Piper is hyper and genuine. She wouldn't hurt a fly and Onyx was the best person to have as a friend.

"How are you and Onyx?" I ask her. I ask her all the time because it makes conversation. Also, you can tell she really loves him because she always glows when someone says his name. It's so cute I could puke, but that's just my opinion.

"He and I are good," she took a bite of food, "how're you and Maya?" She asked.

"We're good. She's starting to get annoying with smothering me and basically being a parent," I huff, "that probably isn't a reason to be annoyed with her," I say while looking down at my food. I don't even know why Maya has been bugging me so much. She only wants what's best for me.

Piper looks at me and states the obvious, "She just loves you. There really isn't any harm in that." I knew she was right and sometimes I wanted Maya to be my mom. That way I'd still have someone I could look up to, but eventually my dad will want me back and he'll probably be happier than before. But the problem is, I don't know if I'd want to go back if I was given the opportunity.

When I took Piper home and made it home in one piece I sat in the driver's seat for a couple seconds gathering my things to take in. Finally, I had everything I needed and went inside.

"Maya!" I yelled, " I'm home!" She came out of the kitchen with an apron on and hugged me. She always makes the best food and her one rule is to never cook without an apron. Good thing I don't cook.

"I'm sorry I woke you up so early, but I had to go to work and I knew you wouldn't wake up for your alarm," she explained. Maya has always apologized for the weirdest things. She tends to dwell on stuff all day until she could fix it or explain herself so she knew no one was mad at her or hated her. I could never hate Maya though. That's like trying to hate a kid who laughs and cuddles a lot.

"It's fine. I'm not mad, I just don't like waking up earlier than I have to," I explained while hugging her back, "I love you," I said while going upstairs.

I read and listened to music as soon as I got upstairs, like I did about every day. Maya came in to tell me lunch was ready and I went down and ate. Even though I ate with Piper, I was still hungry. I honestly, could eat all day if I was allowed. Aaron wasn't back yet. He had left early this morning and wouldn't be back for a couple days.

It was only 4:30pm. I knew I had homework, but I wanted to read more. It was a really good book called Scribbler of Dreams. It was about this girl who gets transferred to a new school. She meets this guy and she falls in love with him, but he's supposed to be her worst enemy. He never finds out who she is and once he does he doesn't want anything to do with her. She writes this speech that's mostly for him saying how their rival isn't about them and that it can end with them. He then tells her he's scared and it ends. It's probably my favorite book because it shows true love and the battles that we struggle with.


I woke up and it was 7:00 pm. I don't even remember falling asleep. As I went downstairs I got something to drink. Everything in my life was good, but I did get depressed a lot. Anything could trigger it. I could be walking or reading and I'm bombarded with thoughts of my mom. I don't really remember her and that's the one thing that bothers me the most. She was a very cheery person and could make you laugh in an instant. I can remember how she took me everywhere, you would find her and I together.

Maya doesn't mind that I see my family. She knows that there is a chance that my dad will want me back, considering I only left because my mom died and there wasn't enough money to take care of me. Maya even talked to me about it, her one condition was I visit her when I can. I told her I would. As the days get closer to me being 18, I am plagued by those thoughts because the more I spend with Maya and her family the more I want to stay. But then there's the fact that I love my family and want to be with them. I'm basically stuck until I can make up my mind, but how does one choose something like that?

As I went back to my room I reminisce some more about my past. When my mom was around it was always busy. If it was nice out she'd have music playing and she would sing her heart out. I remember one specific Sunday. She came into my room and I had curtains. She opened the curtains and started singing whatever song came to her mind.

I don't think about that part of my life very much, mostly because it feels like another life. But also, because I have this life now and I'm just as happy here as I was back then, even if I miss my mom.

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