Chapter Fifteen

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I arrived at my dad's. Lily was wearing a nice floral dress with a white pendent necklace. She looked flawless. Which only fueled my anger more.

"I brought some brownies, I hope that's okay," my dad took them and did the smile and nod as an approval.

"It's nice to see you, Skye," I did not like my name on her lips. My blood was already starting to boil.

I walked past without saying anything making sure to keep my eye contact with her. My dad cleared his throat because he could probably feel the tension as we walked to the dining room.

"So, Skye, how are you?" Dad asked me. He genuinely seemed like he wanted to know and not just asking to fill in the silence.

"I'm good dad. I've made a lot of friends and Maya and Aaron's family are great," Lily snickered, and I looked at her with pure fire, "did you wanna add something?" I asked with as much hate as I could muster.

"Oh no, it's just that you seem to be putting your foster family above your biological family," now it was my turn to laugh.

"Excuse me? You are my stepmom. My dad is biologically related to me, not you. You will never be my family," my dad was fed up, "Skye!" he yelled.

"What dad? It is the truth. You expect me to just accept this random woman into my life? I do not even know her. And so far, she seems like a rotten person," I looked right at Lily as I said this and there was something evil in her gaze. It went away, but I saw it.

"You need to go cool off. Go to your room until dinner is ready," I got up without a word and the chair I was sitting in fell. I could feel Lily's eyes on me. Lily and my dad started talking and I heard Lily say, "I will go talk to her."

This lady is delusional if she thinks she can get through to me. She is nothing to me.

"Hey, Skye?" Lily said at the door before opening it. I wanted her to stop calling me that. Only people who knew me, called me that.

"What do you want?" Lily came inside then and sat on the opposite side of the bed.

"Listen here you rotten child, I married your father and you're going to respect, listen and appreciate that man, or else you better what your back." I had a chill run down my spine.

"What did you just say?" Lily smiled and it confirmed the feeling in the pit of my stomach. I felt sick. I could not let her know I was onto her though. I softened my gaze and looked at her sincerely.

"I'm sorry, I just have had a rough day and I took it out on you and dad. I will cool off by dinner," I smiled warmly. If I ever wanted to be an actor, I would win best performance. I felt like I was being stabbed every time I spoke kindly.

"It's okay dear, just rain it in next time," She gave me a hug and left. I immediately texted Xavier.

Me: Babe. She is psycho. I always had a bad feeling about her, but today she made it clear who she is.

Xavier: Are you sure?

Me: Yes, she basically threatened me. She told me to watch my back and a couple weeks ago I got a letter saying for me to watch my back. I am scared, Babe.

Xavier: Just keep things calm until it is time for you to leave. Maybe you can find more evidence.

Me: That is a good idea. She scares me. Lily has a dark side and I hope with all my being it is not something I will have to deal with one day.

Xavier: I will be at your house when you get back. I do not want to leave you alone even if you have the camera.

Me: I love you.

Xavier: I love you too.

I came out of the room and my dad was in his study and Lily was somewhere. Probably eating children or something.

"Hey dad," he looked up and smiled. I missed his smiles. I went over and gave him a hug. Despite what he did to me, even though he had too, he is still my dad and I love him.

"Hey Skye. You feeling better? Lily told me you were having a tough day," I went over to sit on the other side of his desk.

"Yeah, you could say that. Speaking of Lily, where is she?" I asked.

Dad just shrugged, "I don't know. She might be working on dinner. Why don't you go try to help her? Bond a little?" I rolled my eyes because he wanted us to get along, but it will not ever happen. His wife is psycho and I will prove it.

I walked down to the kitchen and sure enough, there is Lily with an apron cooking dinner.

I decided that I would try and be nice. I asked her if she had an extra apron and she actually looked surprised.

"They're in the pantry to the left hanging on a hook," I went over and grabbed one. I was about to win a Grammy with my performance.

"Is there something in particular you want me to help you with?" Lily eyed me and gave me a cutting board and told me to cut the green peppers. We were silent for a while, but it was not tense or awkward. Just two people.

"So, you have a boy in your life?" She seemed genuinely curious.

"Yes, his name is Xavier," I could not stop the smile.

"You seem to really like this boy," I just nodded my head because I did not need to answer her.

After that we just did not have anything more to talk about, so I decided to jump right in.

"Why did you marry my dad?" I tried my best not to be sinister or show that I was not happy asking this. Lily seemed to think for a second before answering.

"There is just something about your dad that makes me happy. I would do anything for him," for some reason I felt that was a forced and automatic response. It is almost like she is trying to convince herself that is how she feels.

"Okay," that is all I could say without tears of sadness, frustration and anger coming out.

We finished up in the kitchen and I was preparing the dishes for the table and that's when dad came in. He looked surprised too but sat down without saying anything.

At that moment, we heard a scream from the kitchen. My dad and I immediately ran to the kitchen to see what is going on.

Lily looked like she just saw a ghost, "honey, whats wrong?" my dad asked rushing over to her looking to make sure she was not hurt.

"There was someone staring at me through the window," Lily sounded like she was about to cry. I did not know what to think. One second Lily is ice cold and I think she is the one behind all of this, but then this happens? I was beyond confused.

"You need to sit," dad lead her to one of the couches set up in the dinning room, "did you get a look at the person? Did they seem female, male?" Lily started shaking her head.

"I couldn't see anything. They wore a mask and I was not paying attention to the build or stature of the person. I'm sorry I can't be more descriptive," that's when it all made sense.

"I got to go," I left no explanation, not even a goodbye. I needed out of this house and now.

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