Chapter Seventeen

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Xavier and Piper were at my house. I confided in them about what I had discovered on a whim. They were just as shocked as I was, but it all made sense. Emma Stockwell and my stepmother were collaborating on my death. Why is what we need to figure out.

"I cannot believe that is true. I love Emma. She is so sweet and thoughtful. What would make someone do that?" Piper looked beside herself.

"A psychopath who feels nothing, that's who," Xavier looked pissed. Someone was trying to kill his girlfriend and he did not know why. I would be pissed if it were him.

"Something doesn't add up though guys, why would either of them want me dead? I just don't get what the benefit would be." I was shaking from how scared and angry I was. My own best friend betrayed me.

"We need to find the connection. Do you think you could do another dinner with your stepmom and dad tomorrow? If you guys distract them, I will do the snooping," Piper was pretty good at finding things out that people wanted to be kept hidden.

"Okay," I looked at Xavier. I grabbed his hand and then Pipers, "we will be okay if we are all together."

Since it was later at night we went to bed and Xavier stayed with me. I could hardly sleep and being next to him allowed me at least to relax.


I told Maya and Aaron that I would be having dinner with my parents again. They just looked at each other confused. I do not blame them, one minute I am having a hard time getting along with them and the next I am having dinner with them by choice. I would be concerned too.

"I promise I will be fine. Xavier and Piper are going, and dad said it is fine," I walked over and gave them both a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay, but you better come back and tell us everything," I rolled my eyes lovingly.


It was not quite time to leave yet for my parents. Xavier, Piper, and I spent the time going over the plans and making sure everyone's role was understood. It was not a whole lot to remember, it was just a matter of making all the worst-case scenarios less likely to happen.

We finally arrived at my parents, everyone ready for theoretical battle. If my stepmother and best friend thought murdering me would be easy, they were mistaken.

"So, this must be Xavier!" Exclaimed Lily. I already wanted to gag. Lily hugged Xavier and he unwillingly hugged back.

"And this must be Piper," my dad said with a smile. He did not try to hug her, but he did give her a handshake.

"Nice to meet you Mr?"

"Asher just call me Asher, please," They knew my last name, but my dad cut them off.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Asher,"
Xavier said and gave him a handshake as well. Only this time my dad was giving Xavier the once over. I may not care about Lily's opinion, but my dad's is different. He smiled after a couple minutes of that stare down. It was like my dad was having a mental conversation with Xavier. Xavier seemed uncomfortable from it.

"Alrighty then, why don't you guys go sit at the dinner table? Diner is almost ready," as a group we looked at each other and gave a nod to signal that it has begun.

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