50 Dialogue Prompts 14

308 7 18

(651) "Holy mother of god, what the hell do you think you are doing?"

(652) "I could totally beat Batman's ass if I really tried,"

(653) "I miss my best friend,"

(654) "Thank you for not being a total dick, really it's much appreciated,"

(655) "I lack the ability to give any sort of fucks,"

(656) "Shut up and drive!"

(657) "I really wanted to go see Shawn Mendes in concert but then he started dating Camila and I can't risk being in the same building as that,"

(658) "Never have I ever gone skinny dipping,"

(659) "Oh my god, why do you have a wolf as a pet?!"

(660) "I'm so madly in love with you and I want to build a life with you,"

(661) "Really, it's not that hard, just do this and this then that-"

(662) "Oh you're in a band, that would have been nice to mention in your Bumble bio,"

(663) "I have to ask why do you have Taco Bell fire sauce in your bed?"

(664) "I haven't slept in over 32 hours so I would love some dumb dumb words, thanks,"

(665) "She still calls her father, daddy, is that weird? I feel like that's weird,"

(666) "Put the ouija board away, we've haunted this house enough already!"

(667) "Let's watch the stars together! Oh my god it'll be so romantic!"

(668) "Let's fall in love for tonight,"

(669) "I play piano, but like only one song though,"

(670) "You could have anyone in this world, but you chose me. Why?"

(671) "I'm broken, I'm so incredibly broken and nobody cares!"

(672) "I wish I was in The Walking Dead, I would totally out live Daryl,"

(673) "Why are you staring out the window like that?"

(674) "Look at me and tell me you love me,"

(675) "I miss you, I miss the way you make me feel,"

(676) "Get your hands off me, I've watched Karate Kid twice I can beat your ass!"

(677) "I may have done something truly terrible,"

(678) "You didn't come home last night,"

(679) "Why are you so fucking gorgeous,"

(680) "Please get the fuck away from me,"

(681) "No, watching Grey's Anatomy does not make you any type of doctor,"

(682) "Stop crying, I'm sorry I didn't mean it, I'll buy you ice cream!"

(683) "You went to jail and I was scared you were going to die,"

(684) "You totally fucked him didn't you,"

(685) "Okay yes Titanic is sad, but have you watched Bambi. I cry every time I think about it,"

(686) "Wake up, wake up, you have to stay awake. They are coming I promise,"

(687) "My feelings for you just don't go away,"

(688) "I need my phone, I need to call (character name) s/he needs to know I still love them,"

(689) "I grew up in a trailer park, with a drug addict of a father, this isn't what my life was supposed to be like. I was supposed to become him,"

(690) "I need a drink, tequila please,"

(691) "All of a sudden she's a slut?"

(692) "We would have never been able to do this,"

(693) "You fell in love with the idea of me, not who I actually am!"

(694) "I left my family, my friends, my life for you! I moved across the damn country and you do this? You fucking do this to me?"

(695) "I wish I was pretty enough to go on Love Island, those girls are so beautiful it really isn't fair,"

(696) "I'm no longer a virgin!!"

(697) "I want a prehusband-you know like a boyfriend that is willing to marry me,"

(698) "I want to go exploring, you should come with me,"

(699) "You know what's scary? Loving someone,"

(700) "Justin Foley deserved better and I stand by that,"

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