50 Dialogue Prompts 2

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(51)"I need you more than you need me."

(52)"I want to be able to kiss you in public but we can't..."

(53)"You can't give up yet... We haven't been together forever yet."

(54)"You, me, Netflix?"

(55)"I wish I could have told you I love you sooner but you wouldn't listen."

(56)"I miss you more than you think."

(57)"I'm not jealous, but you are mine not his."

(58)"He doesn't hurt you, does he?"

(59)"You broke my heart! That can't be fixed with an 'I love you' That's not how life works!"

(60)"...and now I have a playlist of songs I can't listen to, because every damned lyric reminds me of you."

(61)"You're in love with him aren't you?"

(62)"Does he know?"

(63)"It's okay, you don't have to love me."

(64)"Every time I closed my eyes, I see you and only you."

(65)"There's only one thing..."

(66)"Some days it just felt better to hide away from the world and pretend you weren't awake."

(67)"You aren't concerned?"

(68)"Yes I'm drunk, and you're beautiful."

(69)"There's that word again."

(70)"If I lay here, would you lie with me?"

(71)"You stole my heart! I'll never forgive you for that!"

(72)"Dammit! Look at me!"

(73)"Why can't you..."

(74)"There is no one else! Because if there was, all I will be thinking of is you."

(75)"What if I screw this up?"

(76)"I love you and that shouldn't be a crime. But it is."

(77)"It was always you. No one else. I was just..."

(78)"My home isn't a home without you in it."

(79)"Missing someone is one of the hardest feelings in the world. Because it's a deep reminder that you love them."

(80)"Remember, I love you."

(81)"I can have anyone I want. But I chose you because your the only one I could and truly love."

(82)"Are you okay? Because you don't seem like you."

(83)"I fell in love for the first time. And I hope you will be the last."

(84)"You weren't supposed to fall in love with someone like me. I'm lost and broken, and you are here and all put together."

(85)"If I commit to someone, I commit to their problems."

(86)"Why shouldn't I smile?"

(87)"Everyone is so nice, until they drive you to kill yourself!"

(88)"Why me? What did I do?"

(89)"You cared, just not enough."

(90)"My walls went up, but my confidence went down."

(91)"Let go of my hand!"

(92)"Memories are the worst form of torture. Because it shows how times can be good instead of all bad!"

(93)"It hurts to love you! Because..."

(94)"I told you to sit the fuck down!"

(95)"I'm broken because of you!"

(96)"Say something. Please."

(97)"I don't care that people were staring, I ran to you anyway and jumped into your arms."

(98)"That's a bit much, don't ya think?"

(99)"I saw you, and only you, everyone else disappeared and it was only you."

(100)"Loving you was the hardest thing I could do, but look at me now?"

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