50 Dialogue Prompts 4

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(151) "You are not the only one suffering right now!"

(152) "Why are you like this?"

(153) "If you really loved me, you'll let me go."

(154) "Why are you looking at me like that?"

(155) "Because I love you god damn it!"

(156) ""I could hold you forever."

(157) "Every time I see you, I fall deeper and deeper in love with you."

(158) "This is hard for me too."

(159) "I'm in love, dammit."

(160) "I'd rather die."

(161) "Do you want to talk about it?"

(162) "You don't have to be alone."

(163) "Hear my heart beat? Just focus on that, love."

(164) "Please don't ever leave again."

(165) "Okay yes, I'm in love with you."

(166) "You don't have to fight this alone."

(167) "My cheeks flush every time someone says their name. How am I not obvious?"

(168) "Please don't walk out that door again. It hurts too much."

(169) "I'm not sure of anything anymore love."

(170) "Will you be my person?"

(171) "You're coming with me, whether you like it or not."

(172) "Stop staring, it's getting creepy."

(173) "You make me feel something I never felt before. And it's terrifying me."

(174) "Why are you such an ass?"

(175) "Sorry, but she's mine."

(176) I got wise because I started watching Dr. Phil. Thank you very much."

(177) "Only an idiot would fall in love with someone like me."

(178) "Just shut your face!"

(179) "Wow, your so clever!"

(180) "Shut up! That was only one time! And it wasn't my fault!"

(181) "I'm complicated, it's one of my many charms! Deal with it!"

(182) "I'm okay, you're okay, we're okay."

(183) "I love you, and all the shit that comes with you!"

(184) "Being in love is more exciting than I thought."

(185) "You're not that stupid to fall in love with me, are you?"

(186) "Do you not remember me?"

(187) "Loving someone takes time and determination. That's why a lot of people fall out of love. It's too hard. But I'm willing to stick with it, for you."

(188) "...I took the light she once had in her eyes."

(189) "I'm not a person another person falls in love with. I'm not."

(190) "Darling, just hold on."

(191) "You don't understand what you do to me when you hold his hand."

(192) "I don't care what people say when we are together."

(193) "We're supposed to settle down, and get married together. What happened?"

(194) "All my favorite conversations, are with you."

(195) "You know, I'm always going back to this place."

(196) "...and I don't want to let this go."

(197) "Please don't make me say goodbye, again."

(198) "Does it make you feel alive?"

(199) "Can you guys stop acting like a couple?! It's disgusting!"

(200) "Yeah, you look happier, you do."

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