50 Dialogue Prompts 15

587 8 4

(701) "I'm in love with you, and I think you are in love with me,"

(702) "I like chips, specifically sour cream and cheese. You should try it!"

(703) "It's my wedding day, hopefully this one won't end in divorce like the other ones,"

(704) "You really should run before you become number thirty-seven,"

(705) "You can't just leave, okay, I thought you died!" 

(706) "I need you to care! I need you to care about what happens to you!"

(707) "I'm sorry that I stole your cat, it wasn't my attention. I just saw it's fluffy face and had to take him,"

(708) "I already have a kid!"

(709) "That was the moment when you were supposed to tell me not to go,"

(710) "I was in an accident- no I don't know where I am,"

(711) "The car flipped like forty times and landed in the river, It was awesome! I'm like pretty sure they died though, but it was awesome!"

(712) "(character name) no stop, this isn't funny, we need a plan,"

(713) "He/She was going to kill me! I had to shoot them,"

(714) "You died in my arms! Your heart stopped beating and you think I'm freaking over nothing?!"

(715) "Look at me, look at me, it was an accident. You didn't mean to,"

(716) "I don't want this to be over! I never want us to be over!"

(717) "You are my soulmate, you will always be my soulmate,"

(718) "Believe me when I say this because I believe it, go to hell!"

(719) "Stop telling me to find somebody else, my soulmate is dead! I don't want anybody else!"

(720) "What do you mean you lost the key?"

(721) "Pull my finger, no seriously pull it! Oh come on, it'll be funny,"

(722) "I dare you to climb that tree, and fall down and break every bone in your body,"

(723) "I was an athlete, I played three sports. You took that from me!"

(724) "How are you, seriously, like there is no way you could be okay,"

(725) "She/He left me a note and then flew across the country,"

(726) "Leave, Get out, I don't want you here!"

(727) "We're drunk, half of us anyway, let's do something stupid,"

(728) "I've lived my whole life playing it safe, I don't want to do that anymore! I want to travel, I want to live my life!"

(729) "Who drops out of college with a month left of the semester? You are such an idiot sometimes,"

(730) "Hey stupid, I love you,"

(731) "S/He's alive? I'm so sorry, I have to go,"

(732) "Slow down, what do you mean you've been shot?"

(733) "Listen here, asshole, I am not that stupid,"

(734) "You were everything to me, and I'll always be second best to you,"

(735) "Never love someone more than you love yourself,"

(736) "If I don't come home before dinner call for help,"

(737) "I am in love with you, but I don't want to be,"

(738) "Hey I would hate to ruin this beautiful moment, but I'm bleeding like a lot. I don't think that's good, woah I'm sleepy,"

(739) "I am sad, but I'm always sad. So yeah I'm alright,"

(740) "Shave your head! Hell, I'll shave mine!"

(741) "What do you mean you've never done this before? I thought covering up a murder was something everyone did,"

(742) "No don't cry, stop crying. I spend three hours on this makeup look, you can't ruin it,"

(743) "You are the most beautiful () I've ever seen,"

(744) "The sky is falling, no seriously like actually! We should do something right?"

(745) "Love is not something you just stumble upon, okay it's never that simple- (character name) what the hell?"

(746) "I don't know how to love someone, how do I even show feelings?"

(747) "I want to live on a beach, I want the sand and the sun. I want to swim in the ocean and be scared of getting attacked by sharks, I want a life with surfing and happiness. But you have to be there,"

(748) "I lost you once before and it almost killed me,"

(749) "I don't like hugs, but I like high fives- well wait, no look at the elbow,"

(750) "I am tired of fighting, can we stop for five minutes and be happy again?"

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