50 Dialogue Prompts 11

435 9 14

(501) "I cared for you, that's why I did what I did!" - "I didn't ask for you to care for me!"

(502) "I can't be here anymore." - "Good! I don't want you here anyway."

(503) "Why are you still here? And why are you making pancakes?"

(504) "We were never meant to last."

(505) "Wait, we are in a relationship? I don't recall making that decision."

(506) "How many times have I told you to stop wearing that dress! You look too gorgeous!"

(507) "This is all too much, I-I-I need a drink."

(508) "For better or for worse dammit! You made a promise to me!"

(509) "Hey, there's a pint of ice cream ready for you in the freezer for whenever this bastard breaks your heart."

(510) "One thing, I may have spilled coffee on your laptop and now it won't turn on. Bye!"

(511) "I wish I could, but I don't want to."

(512) "Life sucks, you know?" - "But it'll get better, it always does. It may take thirty years but it will." - "What if I can't wait thirty years?"

(513) "He's all I have, you can't flush him! Please!" - "(character) it's just a fish!" - "How dare you say that to Tyler."

(514) "I'm in love. Wow, I'm in love. I never thought I would say those words."

(515) "I can't be the only one tired of the same argument. I'll get over myself and you do the same."

(516) "When people say high school flies by, I never used to believe them. And now I wish I would have savored each and every moment that I had left." 

(517) "You know you read and read those love stories but never get to experience yourself." - "Yeah, in the stories the girl is beautiful, and in real life I'm not."

(518) "I thought the apartment would be bigger." - "I'm a waitress mom this is all I can afford."

(519) "I'm a bartender not a therapist."

(520) "You've never been to a concert? What the hell! Let's go see Pink!"

(521) "It's not what I am asking. I know you're 'fine', you're always fine. I asked if it hurts?"

(522) "Please, I just want to die! Why won't you let me die! Please just let me die!" 

(523) "I always wanted a magical kiss in the rain,  and last night I did. And it was awful. The rain is cold and he is not that good of a kisser."

(524) "If you're waiting for her, she isn't coming."

(525) "I can't imagine a life without music. Can you?"

(526) "Are you sure you're not cold, you are sort of turning blue."

(527) "He has no idea that I exist so why do I care so much about him?"

(528) "You could have told me you had a cold before I kissed you."

(529) "I never wanted any of this! I never wanted a baby! And now I can't image aborting this baby or giving it to someone else."

(530) "How can you not know how to tie a shoe? You are twenty-three years old."

(531) "I swear to god do not-!!"

(532) "Don't you think it is weird to have a zebra in the backyard, or is it just me?" 

(533) "I'm tired of being tired, okay?"

(534) "...Okay. If that's what you want."

(535) "How can you listen to that, you can't even understand what they are saying."

(536) "I want to cry, I always want to cry."

(537) "I want to go on a drive and get lost and find somewhere to stop and watch the stars."

(538) "Sometimes when I am upset I like to punch holes into walls, and um so that's where those are from."

(539) "Sometimes when you say 'I love you' I don't believe it because I think 'who can love someone like me'."

(540) "Sometimes I wish I can forget all the pain."

(541) "I have wanted to call you for a long time, but I didn't have the words."

(542) "Dreams are great, until you wake up and realize they will never happen."

(543) "Can't you get over him already? It's been three years?" 

(544) "Oh kiss me already you idiot."

(545) "No one ever wants to believe you if you have a mental issue. It shows weakness and nobody likes having a weakness."

(546) "I didn't actually mean kill him! What are we going to do now?"

(547) "Can you stop flirting for a second, and pass me the mashed potatoes?" - "What? I was- I wasn't..."

(548) "When she told you to leave, you should have stayed!"

(549) "I-I deserve more than this. I fucking deserve more than this!"

(550) "Do you like being alone?"

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