50 Dialogue Prompts 13

373 12 5

(601) "You have to trust me, now more than ever,"

(602) "It's exhausting loving someone who is so damn needy,"

(603) "Love at first sight is bullshit, how can you just look at somebody-and know..."

(604) "I think you're pretty like really pretty,"

(605) "Skip the small talk, come with me,"

(606) "I did it. I did it! Okay, I killed him,"

(607) "Wash your damn hands,"

(608) "1997 was quite the year, I have to say I don't remember much during that time,"

(609) "I don't know what you're talking about, Hell sounds fantastic,"

(610) "How did he not die?"

(612) "I waited for hours at your doorstep with tulips because I know how much you hate roses,"

(613) "Baby, you know I love you but not as much as..."

(614) "Alright, love, it's time,"

(615) "Go live your life, it is your time to shine,"

(616) "I can't stop crying, why can't I stop crying?! Make it stop!"

(617) "Hey, whenever you have time, just curious, what does it mean when you are pregnant and  a lot of stuff comes out of-You know what never mind it probably means nothing,"

(618) "Love is so easily misunderstood by you kids, that boy over there don't love you. He doesn't even know what that means,"

(619) "You still sleep with stuffed animals?"

(620) "I think it is time we play a little game I like to call, Dos. It's actually a lot better than Uno, just hear me out,"

(621) "Oh my god, he winked at me, what am I supposed to do?"

(622) "I traveled across the damn world just to see you in bed with that-that slut!"

(624) "Let's drive off into the sunset and listen to One Direction,"

(625) "I stabbed him twenty-seven times since he cheated on me twenty-seven times. Did I mention with twenty-seven different women?"

(626) "Listen asshole, you need to leave,"

(627) "Facebook? Really?"

(628) "I got a pet guinea pig and I can't decide on James or Carlos. Which one do you like?"

(629) "He's so adorable I forgot how to English,"

(630) "I just want to go to a club and get too drunk to walk,"

(631) "Why can't you see that I care about you, or that I'm in love you? Why is it so hard for you to understand?"

(632) "Please stop looking at me like that,"

(633) "That was a fantastic idea, you just have a terrible attitude,"

(634) "It's not my birthday, I don't do birthdays,"

(635) "Can you scratch my back to help me sleep?"

(636) "I can't breathe with you crowding me all of the time. I'm trying to be okay but I can't do that if you won't leave me alone,"

(637) "Hiking on a first date, really?"

(638) "I like kissing strangers, unless they got bad breath."

(639) "I didn't ask for any of this, I didn't put this on you!"

(641) "Jail? Really, really?! How the hell did you of all people get arrested?!"

(642) "I understand it's three AM and no I don't care that you were asleep. Now listen to this-"

(643) "Water, water is good, babe. No, put down the tequila babe-baby stop!"

(644) "Did you just call me a bitch?"

(645) "Hey I'm the one with the gun, don't be turning this around back to me!"

(646) "She is everything, I have ever wanted or needed,"

(647) "You're freezing, do you want my jacket-or I can grab a blanket,"

(648) "You're everything I have!"

(649) "Please stop crying, you are going to make me cry,"

(650) "I need that to not be the last thing he/she hears from me,"

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