Prt:1- Percy's home

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Percy's Pov~

Done. I think finishing bandiging up my arm. At least father wasn't that bad this time. Just a couple of bruses and cuts, a huge improvement to last time. I live on a little island there are a couple trees surrounding my home with a small garden attached. The house its self has two floor. The bottom floor having a restroom and kitchenette and a few chairs. Upstairs has a broom closet for the cleaning supplies and my room. I have a small mat on the flore and a couple book shelves. I wish I had more book though I get pretty bored when the chores are done.

Wonder what I could do know? I don't got mutch. Maybe...? Read... Garden? I don't know? I do that almost every day. I needed something special. I'll be 16 soon. I guess its an important age or somthing. All my siblings are excited for when they turn 16, guess I should be as well.

Anyways better get the chores done.

(After finishing all the chores)

So.... tired... I've done the moping, the sweeping, dishes as well. The windows are clean, gardens watered. Thats everything.

Hopefully father will forget about tomorrow. Maybe I would be able to rest. Maybe find out whats so interesting about turning 16.

I wish father would let me out. I want to learn about people. Why they always smile in my storys? Why they call for their parents when they're hurt? What is a family? Whats love? I've read hundreds of book but I still dont understand.... Am I... not... supposed to? Maybe they're right... Am I... not fit... to love...? Father says I'm a useless sub... is that why I dont understand love? Maybe father's right... maybe I was a mistake....
I feel the warm tears slowly treck down my face. Why couldn't I be like them. They're perfect... It's getting dark I should head to bed.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. I now its short but I really whant to get to his 16 birthday. And didn't what to cram it in this chapter, as I wanted it to be more of an introduction than a full on rush to the good part chapter.

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