Prt:18- Comfort

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Third Person's Pov~

"Im sorry" The small sub rambled out repeatedly, holding his small hands agenst the top of his head.

Both doms quickly began trying to calm the sub. As whimpers fill the room the doms frantickly try everything the can think of.

Running out of options the doms deside the best option is to hug the small creacher..

Pulling Percy as close as they can the do their best to comfort him.

The sub was shoked to be pulled into its mate's side. What kind of punishment could it be?

Slowly the sub calmed down. His doms contined to hold him. And he cuddled up agenst them. Percy decided this punishment wasnt so bad...

Sorry for the wait! Hope you enjoyed this small chapter. Have a good day, night, evening. Bye💜

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