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Third Person pov~

"Father" Jason greeted the large man in front of him. "This" he jestered to his mates "are my mates Nico, another dominate, and Percy, our sub."

Percy ties his best to keep be hind Nico, not liking the look of the scary man.

"Wonderful! It's good to see you've got yourself someone." The god boomed out, startling the sub. "Thalia said you had some troubles with my brother's guard... Is this true?" The man asked.

"Yes father... It appears Percy is one of Poseidon's children..." Jason mumbled out.

"Ah" the god mumbled. "That doesn't explain the conflict... Surely Poseidon wouldn't attack his own son."

"Well.. father based on what we've learned Poseidon wasn't the kindest to his son." Jason attempted to explain, moving over to his mates.

"I see..." The god mumbled. "Well let's not dwell on that quite yet. Show your mates to the dining hall."

Here is the next chapter. Sorry for the wait. I've been busy recently. Hope you enjoyed! Have a good day, night, and evening. Bye💜   

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