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-Piper Meyers-

"Today with us we have Piper here with us and Incase you don't know she's Jadens Girl, which I'll be surprised if you didn't know cause they to most dynamic duo aside from Nessa and I " Josh says laughing. "Anyway I asked you guys to send in questions you wanna know about her and then the boys and I came up with some last night so yeah let's get started"

He scrolls through his phone for the questions.

"Ok first question is how did you and Jaden meet" Josh asks as I make eye contact with Jaden who's sat on the couch behind the camera.

"Ok I don't wanna sound like a creep but I have a feeling it'll come off creepy anyway. You know I'm an 'influencer' and I was scrolling through the for you page on tic tac and came across his profile and was like day ummm" I say laughing as Jadens cheeks flush a bright shade of red. "Then I lowkey stalked his Instagram too"

"Lowkey How Jaden was for a while over you too except he did follow you at the time of the stalking. But he was to pussy to slide into the DMs" Bryce satates matter factually from behind the camera.

"Hey don't give him shit cause I was too pussy to do it either, hell I was too pussy to actually follow him back so" I say making a funny face at the camera.

"But the first time we actually met met was at my 18th birthday back in May and we started dating two months later cause we literally clicked like that." I say snapping my fingers. "We did text back in-forth for like a week prior I might add"

"Next question" Jaden says as he comes and sits beside me.

"Is Piper a virgin" Josh asks laughing with Jaden as I just give him a glare.

"Hell No" I reply as I take his phone to find the next question.

"Does Piper have a Sister" I say looking at the camera. "Yeah she's older than me, and she was adopted by my parents before I was born, go follow her on Instagram at elliebell and comment banana monkey on her most recent post to confuse the fuck outta her cause I know for a fact she doesn't even watch Joshs videos. Don't tell her it was us by the way or I'll be very sad"

"Does Piper do drugs" Josh asks looking at me.

"I did something once back in Chi town once but don't even really remember what I did or how I acted or anything about it. All I can say is Luke saved my ass that night" I say looking at the camera and saying "I don't condone doing drugs especially at the age of 14 like I did or any age for that matter. I really was a stupid kid. I'm trying to set an example now, and don't think I'll ever do drugs again."

"Where was Piper born" Jaden reads off looking at me with a smile on his face. "I actually don't know this one"

"I was actually born in Anchorage Alaska, but my family moved around between Alaska, LA, and Chi Town so I thought for a while I was born in Chicago. It was pretty funny" I say on the verge of laughter.

"Why is Piper so ugly, and fat, does she not know how to eat a balanced diet and workout" Bryce reads off. "This is an actual comment by the way that one of you who claims to be a fan of at least Josh actually tweeted us for this video."

He shows the camera his phone.

"I'll insert it into the final product, but not their username cause we don't wanna give them clout for this" Josh says as Bryce sits back down.

"Better question is why are you body shaming others? She is perfect just the way she is and I love her for who she is and not just for her looks, I mean this hot bod is just an added bonus" Jaden states putting his arms around me.

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