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-Jaden Hossler-

Piper was getting no where with Emmy so she moves on to Casey.

"You think something's funny" Piper asks walking into the interrogation room to Casey laughing.

"I just think it's funny that Jackie and Sam didn't think we'd get caught" Casey says.

"What were you gonna do, bomb the mall plant stuff on my computer to make it look like I worship ISIS and get me arrested" Piper asks anger lacing her voice.

"No, and yes" Casey replies.

"How is Emmelia envolved?" Piper asks picking up the green colorEd pencil before going back to coloring.

"Uhhh" Casey says "we used her, she didn't wanna go along with this but we kinda blackmailed her who knew she was that desperate though"

"What did you have on her" Piper asks.

"Jackie found out she was cheating on her college stuff or whatever and threatened to go to the school board or some shit to get her in trouble" Casey explains. "Plus she's deep in debt that shit ain't cheap and they said they'd pay us big for our service to the cause so she said we'd give her 10 grand"

"Your mental you know that right, you guys are fucked up it the head" Piper says.

"It was all Jackie I was just supposed to help if she needed it" Casey says crossing her arms.

"Why me" Piper asks with a shaky voice.

"Miss Piper Meyers, Goodie two shoes, perfect life, perfect body, lots of money has everything going for her, a hot boyfriend, why not you, no one would suspect you of all people when you can't even follow throw on shooting your friends with a BB gun when they steal you gummy bears" Casey retorts as if it should've been obvious.

I eternally gag at Casey calling me hot.

"Well maybe Emmy should've left My gummy bears alone" Piper says crossing her arms.

"Yeah she had a habit of stealing our gummy worms" Casey says with a small frown.

"I might be a nobody after this so thanks" Piper says scribbling all over the page she was on in anger. "What's the target"

"You think I'm gonna tell you that?" Casey sighs with a laugh.

"I'll get you the best lawyer in the country to defend you if you tell me right now" Piper says.

"Sams gonna shoot up The Grove at 3pm" Casey says as Piper gets up to walk out before stopping and looking back at her.

"Today" Piper asks as Casey just nods as Piper walks out .

"What about my lawyer" Casey shouts.

"Oh yeah I don't think she'd accept considering you tried to frame her daughter but I'll make sure to ask" Piper says back before shutting the door, and running into the observation room.

She's a savage what can I say, well other than that's my baby 👉👈

"There did you get what you guys need" Piper asks as we hug one another.

"Yeah I think so we just need to find Sam" Agent Smith says.

"Let me talk with Emmy, then I can take you to where I think Sam might be" Piper says walking back out and into the room Emmy was in.

"Wanna tell me why you helped" Piper asks again.

"I think you already know why" Emmy snaps.

"Why didn't you come to me for help, I have the money, I would have given you some to help. I was your best friend and would've done anything for you, and you know that." Piper says.

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