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-Jaden Hossler-

"Are you expecting anyone" Piper asks Kendall and I after the doorbell had rung at 10:30 at night.

"No" Kendall says as I shake my head no in response as well.

I watch as Piper goes into a drawer by the door grabbing a pocket knife.

"Piper I got this" I say taking the knife out of her hands pushing her back from the door a safe distance.

I go to the door knife in hand and crack the door.

"Hello" I say as I open the door and look out to see a box with 'To Piper, From you #1 Fan'

"I swear to god this can't be happening to us" Piper screams when I come back in and show her the box. "I have a publicized PO Box for a reason and I swear to god if my address got leaked."

"Hey it's gonna be ok" I say as I embrace her in a hug.

"Can we call Bryce and Griffin and have them come over. I, I don't feel safe" Piper asks.

"Yeah let me text them" I say pulling out my phone.

Sway Bois

Jae Bae ❤️
We have a problem

Griffin 🚪
What happened?

Griffin 🚪
Are you all ok.

Jae Bae ❤️
Someone came to Pipers house and left her a package

Do you think Pipers address got leaked.

Jae Bae ❤️
That's what it looks like, how else would someone know where she lives.

Ant 🐜
How did they find it tho she keeps to herself pretty well for an influencer her size

Josh 🤮
What, that's insane.

Jae Bae ❤️
Idk someone rang the door bell like ten minutes ago leaving a package.

Josh 🤮
Did you open it?!

Jae Bae ❤️
She's a little to freaked out by the whole thing.

Jae Bae ❤️
And no we haven't touched it other than me bringing it inside.

Will it make her feel more safe if we all come over?

Jae Bae ❤️
She actually asked for at least you and Griff, so yeah

Griffin 🚪
I'll gather the boys, Nessa and Avani and we'll be over in 30

Jae Bae ❤️
Thanks. She says she gave Nessa a spare key. I'm gonna go see if I can get her to calm down cause I think she's having a panic attack.

With that I set my phone down and take her into my arms.

"Piper just breathe in and out please, in , out" I say as we deep breath together.

"Can you go upstairs to my room and get my weighted blanket?" Piper asks giving me puppy eyes.

"Where is it?" I ask getting up heading for the stairs.

"It's orange and it's bottom right shelf of my dresser" she replies.

I go grab it and holy fuck it's not light like I thought it would be.

"How heavy is this thing" I ask as I trudge it down the stairs.

"25 pounds of sand. It's meant for two people though that's why" she replies as I place it over her and lay beside her.

Fake Friends - Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now