He looked a little pink. I had to look twice to realise he was blushing.

"What are you blushing for?" I asked.

"Nervous to see your old sweetheart?"

"You're not going to let go of that are you! No. It's just...you've never called me your boyfriend before."

"Why? Should I not?"

"No, no please. It just sounds nice."

"Aw, AJ. My blushy, blushy boy!" I was having way too much fun teasing him.

"Alright, you've had your fun now go and kick some Russian gangsta ass."

"Wuv you too," I said winking before turning in for the club.

And I could swear I heard him choking with laughter.
'Devils Nest' was a pretty packed club. It was the middle of the day and yet the place was completely full. There were all kinds of drinks, in colours I'd honestly never seen before, served at the bar.

There was a big classic disco ball at the centre of the place and people were lightly dancing beneath it. AJ was right though, if I had just sauntered in here in my jeans and shirt, I'd stick out like a sour thumb.

Most of the men were huge and all red. Either from the dancing or the drinks. The women were dressed in flimsy sequined dresses or shiny pixie skirts. I thought I still might stick out, since I was wearing a day outfit. I hurried over to the bar, making my way through the closely packed clubs.

I was 20 years old, but still somehow no one questioned me.
The lady serving the drinks was very attractive, she wore a shiny black tank and a matching skirt. Maybe I forgot the invitation, cause everyone was wearing glittering pieces.

"You're new here, what'd you want darling?" The woman said, her hair was jet black and tightly bound in a high pony.

"Whatever's the best, dazzle me," I answered.
She smirked, and nodded.

"Oh just you wait, devushka." She said and went to make my drink.

"Well done, her name is Yelena. She's the eyes here, the people Ghost have made a deal with. She's the leaders sister. Sergei's sister," said AJ'S voice in my ear.

"What should I ask her?" I asked hardly moving my mouth.

"Make conversation, if there's anything going on. She'll know and—"

He was going to say something, but Yelena came back with a tiny glass of a greenish liquid. It looked like what I'd imagine hellish poison to look like.
The bar had pretty much cleared up. Everyone was on the dance floor now, either there or aggressively and drunkenly making out in the darkness of the booths.

"Absinthe. The Devils drink here. You'll be dazzled alright." She said and slided the green liquid right at me.

I caught it swiftly and without a blink of the eye. When on the inside I'd already imagined it spilled all over my peach dress.

"Don't have it all, it's very, very strong."

"So Yelena, tell me. Why the green fairy drink?" I said taking a sip of the absinthe.
It tasted like black licorice. I swallowed and tried my best to keep on an intimidating face.

"Cause it's the most strong, if you're not made for it. You're not made for the club. Also....it dazzles one. Doesn't it?" She winked, she had the most grey eyes I'd ever seen.

"Eh, good enough." I said keeping the drink back down.
She looked kind of astonished.

"How did you come to know about this club?" She asked leaning in.

RIDE OR DIE, Takers(AJ fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora