Warrior Cats Au fITE ME-

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LavenderFrost stalked quietly into the clearing, a small pheasant in her jaw, she was greeted by bright green eyes, and a soft, shinny pelt of different shades of tan, beige, and browns. A warm smile crept on her muzzle, making eye contact with the bright orbs.

"Hello, SkyStar" LavederFrost mewed, dropping the bird.

"Hello, how are you fitting in? Good I hope," The tabby mewed, a calm look on his face.

Honestly, LavenderFrost had no clue how she was doing, she had switched from ShadowClan to ThunderClan, mainly because she didn't 'Have The Guts', said by her mentor, LotusStar, a tough tabby tom with an icy glare, but ever sense LavenderFrost had switched clans, nobody seemed to trust her except the elders, and curious kits looking for a story, and of course, SkyStar and his brother AcornPaw.

"Just fine, only the occasional glare from a queen," She half joked, soon regretting it, this was a leader for StarClans sake!

"Ignore them, they've always been stuffy, and please, ignore BlossomWing, shes always been overprotective" SkyStar joked, flicking his tail at the grey and white she-cat, smiling.

"Will do, I just hope the clan could trust me, in time im sure they will" LavenderFrost said confidently, sitting down.

SkyStar purred, pressing his nose to her fur, "Im positive, they will in time, and even if they don't, I'll always support you,"

LavenderFrost chuckled, purring softly. "I know, and im forever in your debt, for making me feel welcomed"

SkyStar smiled, purring softly to himself, "No, ever sense SparrowStar passed on, to hunt with StarClan, I've been worried I wouldn't beable to fit his expectations, and with the exile of DeadHeart and DawnWorm,-" SkyStar sighed, stifling a soft sob "-im worried, LavenderFrost, what if I can't lead my clan to the greatness of SparrowStar?" SkyStar sobbed, looking down, to which LavenderFrost flicked her tail, and gave a soothing lick on the ear, to which SkyStar responded with a soft purr.

"I'm sure that you'll do great, all the exiles and drama is mostly done with, and it was a good decision, anyway, you'll do fine, after a few seasons i'm positively sure that your leadership will be just as great as SparrowStar," LavenderFrost mewed, a calm gaze resting on her face.

"You sure?"


Lavender and Sky stayed like that, purring in eachothers comfort, before LavenderFrost jumped softly, "I need to go, I promised Blue'Kit a story, he's such a curious kit," LavenderFrost whispered, only audible for SkyStar. 

"Wait, LavenderFrost!" SkyStar called out, to which LavenderFrost came to a hault in her running, turning around.

"Yes, SkyStar?" Lavender spoke softly, turning around, a worried glance.

"Erm...will you..be.. my...m-"

"Yes, I will" Lavender cut off, happily purring

"Good...This was 10 times easier then I thought," Sky joked, flicking his tail.

. . . . . . .


So, I had to do a warriors AU, and, yes, I killed off Harrow and called him sPaRrOw, and Ez is an apprentice, AcOrN'pAw, and Zym is a kit, Blue'Kit, and if I do another oneshot of this, where hes maybe an adult, his name shall be Blue' Chirp, (Or Blue'Storm), Callum is SkyStar, I made him leader, because y e s, and his warrior name is S k y F o g, Rayla is LavenderFrost, because lavender,, whItE- Runaan is LotusStar, because,, hes the leader for the elven tribe?- and his warriors name is L o t u s J u m p

And Viren is DeadHeart, cause his heart died years ago.

And Aaravos



b e c a u s e I t s m e m e a b l e

Anyway, have a great day, night and afternoon, Elf, oUT!

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