Small Days For Callum pt 2 =3

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Rayla had decided to stop at a meadow for the night and to rest up and leave tomorrow. she gently picked up a small Callum off her shoulder. She laid him on the grass while she got a blanket from their bag. Once she found a blanket she laid Callum on the grass and covered him with a blanket. Once she was done with that she decided to sleep on a rock with green moss on it (Is that safe? Idk).

*~Few hours into the night~* 

Rayla heard something or ...someone? She got off her rock and found little Callum with his knees to his chest, crying. Rayla walked over to him in a gentel manner. Callum looked up at her with a weary face. Rayla softly smiled and sat down with her legs crossed, she put her hand on his back trying to calm him down. Callum crawled closer to her. Rayla wrapped her arms around him, picking him up into her lap. She craddled him until he fell Back asleep.
*~ The next morning ~*
Callum woke up in Raylas embrace. Grown Callum wanted to just cuddle closer and enjoy this but, toddler Callum thought otherwise, toddler wanted to play and have fun (Like every toddler) he shaked Rayla's arm and whispered her name. Rayla blinked as her vision adjusted. She saw a small Callum looking up at her. "Wayla I wanna pway!" (Rayla I want to play) Rayla tried not to smile. "Okay then" she spoke. Callum smiled and ran into the meadow.
~* Afternoon *~
Callum found a flower. It was purple fading into a white with yellow pollen. He smiled and picked the flower he ran over to Rayla as fast as his legs could and handed her the flower. Rayla smiled and thanked him for the flower. He kissed her cheek "I wove you Wayla" (I love you Rayla) He said. "Aw, I love you to Callum" she spoke. AND FOR THWEE SAKE OF DIS BOOK AND THE SMALL AMOUNT OF SANITY I HAVE LEFT, they found the cure bla bla bleh and callum and rayla started dating.
(Plot twist Callum yeeted himself off raylas rock screeching 'Im PePpA pIg SKSKSKSKKSK')

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