Spell Gone Wrong

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  *~The 1st one is Raylas eye color, the 2nd is Raylas fur color and the 3rd is her form*~

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  *~The 1st one is Raylas eye color, the 2nd is Raylas fur color and the 3rd is her form*~

Callum was in Virens old room where he would cast spells. Callum had cleaned it out to make it more presentable, he got rid of all the dust and dark magic and filled it with books of Moon, Earth, Ocean, Star and Sun. He was in said lair casting a new spell. He had an intense focus on the new spell, one wrong move and-

"Hey Cal" A voice interupted

"Oh, Hey Ray-" He said mid spell, freaking out, he tried to launch it anywhere but at Rayla. The beam of light bounced off a silver vase, off a wall and hit Rayla.

Sparkly lights had blinded Callum of Rayla, once it faded Callum couldn't see her. He looked around, fear hitting him. "Rayla? You okay?" He shouted, worry woven into his voice. Until he felt something by his ankle.

It was a soft grey and white cat, she had a mix of blue and purple eyes, she was clearly trying to get his attention.

Callum looked down at her, he bent down, confused.

"Oh, hello Kitty. You wouldn't have happened to have seen an elf around, would you? She's very pretty, a little intimidating and would look like you if you were....an..elf.." He spoke to the cat, reaching out to pet her.

Rayla, who was now a cat ran up to their room, being slightly more nimble and quick, wanting him to follow her.

"She's in there?" Callum asked himself, following the small cat, suspicious of the way it looked like Rayla.

Once they reached their room Rayla tried to point at a picture but, having paws instead of actual hands dose not help.

"What's that? Oh, that picture, yea I really like it" He smiled at himself, looking at the picture than at the cat.

Rayla shaked her head, trying to point at herself in the picture, meowing.

"What? Are you trying to say that you'r Rayla? That's crazy" Callum exclaimed, until realizing he was talking to a cat himself so he was crazy as well.

Rayla nodded, sitting down, curling her very fluffy tail around her, confirming that she was Rayla, just in a cats body.

"Did you? Did you just nod at me?" Callum asked, furrowing his eyebrows at her, a questioning look on his face. 

Rayla nodded once more, confirming this information. She was hoping that he would get what she was trying to say.

"Okay, I'm going to seem crazy but, do something only Rayla would do" Callum said, he was praying that this cat was Rayla so he knew she wasn't dead but also wished she wasn't this cat cause that would mean Rayla was a cat.

Rayla looked around, laying eyes on her ninja stars, she grabbed them and tossed them in the air, catching them within seconds, leaving a very stunned Callum.

"Okayy, you could be a highly trained cat that belongs to an assassin, do something else" He asked, taking the ninja stars, putting them back where they were.

Rayla nabbed a random sword, spinning it around with her paws and tail, trying not to kill herself in the process.

"Okay, a very HIGHLY trained cat, do something non-lethal" Callum asked once again, stun strucked by how she can weld a sword, almost like....Rayla.

The cat jumped on his shoulder, and licked his cheek, like giving him a kiss on the cheek, but as a cat.

"Oh heck..I freaking turned my wife into a cat" He started having a panic attack, Rayla confirmed that she was the cat.

"Wait just a second, EZRAN PLEASE COME DOWN HERE" He yelled for his younger brother, Ez walked in.

"Wha-Kitty!" He instantly turned his attention to Rayla, Rayla leaped on his head, being she was now a cat she could do this, she really didn't feel like getting attention as a cat.

"Yes, it's a cat, now this might seem weird but ask what her name is" Callum asked his younger brother, Ezran looked puzzling at Callum but agreed.

"Whats your name?" He asked, after that the now cat Rayla jumped up on another table with ink and paper on it. She dipped her claws into it and tried to write her name, it was readable but still a bit sloppy.

"Ah, Rayla, what a coincidence. Thanks Ez" Callum rushed, trying to somewhat push him out of his room, not wanting him to know that he has turned his wife into a cat.

Ez left, Callum started panicing until Rayla leaped onto his shoulder, nuzzling his cheek, showing that everything is fine and telling him to calm down, and that everything was fine.

"Okay, okay, breath, Rayla is a cat now. Everything is fine, your fine, shes fine, except shes not because shes a cat and thats not fine" Callum talked to himself, trying to calm down, Rayla leaped off his shoulder and on the table, sitting down, flicking her tail, shaking her head at his panic attack.

"Wait a minute" Callums face lit up as he rummaged through his spell book, looking for a spell, Rayla jumped back on his shoulder, peeking over, trying to see what he was looking at.

"I see you" Callum smiled, scritching the small cats chin, Rayla purred, heck she was a cat! What do you expect?

Callum smiled, slightly stroking her fur while going through his book, Rayla continued to purr, Callum flipped pages to pages to pages, this continued for a few minutes, trying to find the right pages, until finding the page he needed.

"I found it" Callum shouted, holding the page up.


1003 word, not including the out-tro

I'm very proud uwu

How did you like this? I think I did okay.

Thank you so much @BurymSchmedk20 for the idea, This is not the only part, I wanted to do a full shot but its like 12:49 rn and i'm tired so ima have to make this into a two-shot or mabye even a three-shot idk, im bouncing ideas over here uwu

Have a good day, night and afternoon 


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