What Ifs?

419 13 21

my creativity just yeeted itself in my face and I have a idea uwu
So I was thinking of writing a song fic using the song 'what if' where rayla and callum are questioning themselves and there relationship OR 'all to myself' were callum gets a lil jelly of another moonahadow elf or some crap.

Remember this comment? WELP YOU GUESSED IT! IM BACKKK BABY! And today i'm giving you a song fic,, lets get in on it (i have never done this so just YEA!-)

You say What if I hurt you. What if I leave you What if I find somebody else and I dont need you?

Rayla and Callum were laying on the grassy ground, they have been dating for awhile now, they were still questioning themselves, the world and each other "Hey Callum," Rayla asked sheepishly. "Yea?" He answered back worry filled his tone. "What if- something happend" She asked, a tear rolling down her cheek.

What if this goes south? What if I mess you up?

"What do you mean" Callum said voice dropping a bit. "What if i'm a bad influence, what if I hurt you?" She asked about to break into tears.

You say what if I break your heart in two then what

"What if I break your heart" she asked her eyes becoming watery. Callum out a hand on her shoulder. "You wouldn't do that" He smiled.

Well I hear you girl, I feel you girl but not so fast

Callum stood up, offering his hand to Rayla, she took his hand and crashed into his chest crying. "But what if-" She was cut off by a warmth on her lips

Before you make your mind up I gotta ask, What if I were made for you, and you were made for me?

Callum pulled apart from her lips, "What if I were made for you, you were made for me?" He finished her sentence with a loving smile.

What if this is it? What if its meant to be?


And cause im tired thats all for now,, pretty sucky aye? to bad idrc (IM TIRED GOD DANG IT-) anyway have a good day, night and afternoon and check out my Youtube channl Elf Assasin to watch me react to my older stories! ELF OUT-

*epic background music cuts in*


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