Personal Space? Whatever could you mean?

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Callum flew through the store isles, grabbing any canned food, pasta or toilate paper in sight. He was detiermined to stock up durring this pandemic. He even grabbed a thing of surgical masks, just in case!

As Callum unloaded everything into his car, and hoped in, he checked his phone, and he had a message from Soren, greatttttttttttt.

Soren has asked what was going to happen for dinner in the group chat, which before he could response, Claudia gave him an earfull about "Instead of mouching off of us, get yourself some Mcdonalds", To which, Callum found amusing.

Once Callum got to his shared house (Shared by him, Claudia, Soren and Rayla), he put everything away, just now realizing how messy the house was.

Soren was beating Claudia with a loaf of bread, to which he earned a smack in the face from, while Rayla was trying to pick everything up.

Callum chuckled at the chaos, he's used to it, it's what makes this home, home, ya know?

As he was putting the pasta away, Rayla came up behind him with a hug, to which Callum hissed in response, trying to push her off.

This resulted into Rayla looking up at him worried, Callum looked at her and shook his head.

"Personal space, I don't want you to get cov-" He said, before he was so rudly interupted by Rayla kissing him, to which he did not deny, but gratefully took.

"Personal space? Whatever could that be?" Rayla joked, booping his nose, Callum smiled down at her, leaning in for another kiss, before being whacked upside the head with a loaf of bread, as Soren yelled "GeT a RoOm" and in response, Soren got smacked in the face with lettuce, curtasy of Claudia.


So, its, 6:40 am .-. I have nothing better to do rather then be an annoyance, so, here we are!

I wanted to write a modern fic, with everybody as roomates and and stuff, and some hummor durring this pandemic.

But in all seriousness, stay home, do it, I dare you!

Anyway, what did you guys think? I know its short but like,, so is life so,, s h u s h.


anyway- Have a great, day, night and afternoon, avoid roaches and physical contact, looking at you extraverts-


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