Time Is A Human Concept.

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Callum frowned, as Rayla crossed her arms.

"I'm telling you! Time is simply a human concept!" Rayla huffed, taking a sip of 'Hot Brown Morning Potion'.

 Everybody knew it was simply boiled Gatorade, but nobody had the heart to tell Claudia, she was apparently 'Baby'.

"No! Because even without the general 'time', time would still exist!" Callum shot back, grinning.

"But time is counting! Time is general! It's just a human concept!" Rayla frowned, cracking her knuckles.

Ezran walked into the kitchen, to see 2 full grown adults in the kitchen, arguing over if time was a human concept.

Ezran then spotted the book of '2000 Would You Rather Questions'.

Ezran soon walked out, arguments like this normally ended in prank wars, or nerf fights.

He's not being shot in the ankles again.


This was totally not based off an argument between me and a friend.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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