Chapter 13: Autumn Trail

Start from the beginning

"Azula look," Kiyi yelled.

Kiyi then jumped in a bunch of leaves making them go flying everywhere.

"Uhh, Kiyi, stop it, we need to get to the Fire Nation," Azula scoffed.

"But my feet are tired and I just want to relax and have fun. We have been walking for years now."

"No, we have been walking for 1 month."

"Please Azula"

Azula then looked at the people behind her.

"Okay, raise your hand if you want to take a little break right here," Azula said.

Every hand then jumps up immediately.

"Okay fine uhhh."

Every then starts to wander off taking a break or using the bathroom. Azula on the other hand just sits down on a tree log alone.

"3 more months until the world is over," Azula said.

"It's not going to be over."

Azula turns around and sees her mother. She goes up to her and hugs. They then both sit down on the tree log and talk.

"So, what's on your mind Azula."

"The world is going to end and we are just sitting around here just resting."

"I think you too need to relax for a bit."

Ursa then proceeded to massage Azula's back.

"Wow, you have a lot of tension back here. When was the last time you had a break."

"I don't know, maybe 4 years ago."

"Maybe that is the problem. You haven't has a proper break yet."

"All I can think about is the world about to end and getting conquered by some water bender."

"Haha, you sound like Zuko."

"What, no I don't," Azula said.

"Trust me dear, I've been with Zuko longer than you have. Probably one of my many mistakes. But anyway, he was always a troubled kid growing up. He always showed a bad side, but inside, he knew it wasn't right. You, you used to want to conquer the world. But know, you want to save it from getting conquered from someone else."

"Maybe your right, maybe I do need a break," Azula said.

"Well there is still time for that, why don't you go play with your sister for a while. Then we can hit the road." 

Azula got up and went over to Kiyi who was playing in the leaves.

"Is that what you call playing in the leaves," Azula said in an unimpressed voice.

"Oh yeah, it's not like you can do better," Kiyi replied.

And then boom. Azula jumped into the pile of leaves and started to tackle Kiyi around.

"I got you now."

"No stop it Azula, it tickles hahaha."

Azula and Kiyi were laughing together. They were having fun. 

"Well, that was fun, let's start walking again shall we."

"Okay then," Kiyi said.

Azula recalled the group and they started to walk again. As the day went by it became night time and Kiyi went to sleep in her mother's hands. Azula couldn't help but glance at her sister's cute face.

"Can I hold Kiyi for a bit mother," Azula asked.

"Sure thing"

Ursa hands over daughter to Azula. Kiyi was now sleeping peacefully in her sister's arms. As the night went by, the sun rose and the group walked over a hillside. 

"Guys, we have made it home," Azula said.

"Guys, we have made it home," Azula said

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