Chapter 3: Rescuing Kiyi

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The warriors of the plains were scouting out to see if the troops were coming to attack the village again.

"Win, I'm worried," Azula said.

"About what"

"I'm worried about Kiyi. I'm thinking the worst right now. What if they hurt her. What if they...."

"They didn't, don't worry." Win said with a smile.

After the few minutes of the warriors scouting out, they see a flame in the distance. 

"THEY ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"GET READY FOR A BATTLE MEN." The leader said.

Azula looks in the distance of the troops heading towards the village. They all had special metal armor and swords. This would be child's play if Azula was able to use her fire bending. But she had to keep her identity safe. 

"Azula what are you going to do," Win asked.

"Well, I can't use my fire bending," Azula says.

"Here, how is this."

Win hands over Azula dual swords with razor-sharp edges.

"Oh jeez."

"Why, is there something wrong Azula," Win says.

"No, I have nothing against swords, it's just that I feel like my brother when I hold these," Azula says.

Azula and Win go to the front gate and get ready to go to battle. 

"OPEN THE GATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the leader says.

The gates open and the fight broke out. Hundreds of men battling for the safety of their homes. 


A man started to charge at me. I backflipped away and slashed his throat open killing him instantly. Another man started to attack me too. Our swords were clashing but I was able to get the upper hand and disarm him. I did the final blow and stabbed him through the face. Just then, I see Kiyi in the back of the general's cart that he brought with him. I ran towards the cart but was stopped by the general himself.


"What do you think you're doing," The general said.

"I could ask you the same thing," Azula replied.

"Simple, I want to take over the town." 

"And let these people live without anything," Azula said.

"I know that sounds bad, but let me tell you something. You could join me and we could rule together." The general said.

"r~rule together."

"That's right, join me." 

Azula suddenly started to get flashbacks of her previous life. She always wanted to rule the world. She wanted to take over everything. She remembered the day she conquered Ba Sing Se with her friends Mai and Ty Lee. It seemed like so long ago. Then it hit her. The image of her trying to conquer the world but failed. Stopped by her own brother, her father stopped by the Avatar. This would just lead to her downfall. Azula got back to her senses. She noticed that the general was holding out his hand. Without hesitation, she pulled her swords out and cut off the general's hand. 

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