Chapter 4: Ketsueki

Start from the beginning

"Why did you ask anyway," Win said.

"Oh it's just that my uncle told me a story when he took a "white dragon bush" but it turned out to be the white jade bush," Azula replied.

They then continued to eat their stew. After some time they finished their food and but all of the eating utensils away. After that, Win, Azula, and Kiyi went to do there own things for the rest of the day. As the day went on and as the sky went dark, all of them grew very tired. All of them regrouped and went to sleep for tonight. 

2:00 A.M

The 3 of them were quietly asleep. 


Just then Kiyi wakes up.

"Hello, who is there," Kiyi says.

Kiyi gets up from her sleeping pad and uses her fire bending as a torch. She wonders out in the open.

"Come out, stop hiding," Kiyi yells.

Just then Azula comes out running out of her bed.

"Kiyi!!!! What the hell are you doing out here at this time," Azula yelled at her.

"Quiet down, I think someone is near us," Kiyi said.

Azula then looks around but sees nothing.

"Well, you go back to bed, I'm going to see if there is really someone out here."

Kiyi then headed back to her bed and started to rest. Azula was outside, trying to search for the man. 


"Who's there"

Azula walks over to where the sound is. She has her guard ready whenever she needs it. Just then a blood walker comes out of nowhere and starts to blood bend her. The blood walker was able to bend her down to her knees and make her face look towards. Something was strange about him. It was only one of them, and he had a different mask out of all the blood walkers they been running from. 

"Who ~argh~ are you," Azula struggling to say. 

The blood walker just stayed silent.

Azula was able to regain her strength and fire bend away from the blood walker.

"WHO ARE YOU!!!," Azula yelled again.

"Just call me the leader of the blood walker cult," He said.

Just then he used a smoke bomb and ran away. 


Azula looks over and sees Win with a spear along with Kiyi.

"I'm fine"

"Who was that guy," Win asked.

"You know for the past months I've been telling you that we are trying to find our mother who was captured by the blood walkers."


"Well, I just met their leader."

"Well, that's one step closer to find your mother," Win said.

Just then, loud footsteps were coming towards them in the distance. It was the blood walkers. 

"Win, get Kiyi to the dragon and let's fly off, I will handle these guys."

Win rushes over back to the campsite. Azula fends off all of the blood walkers with her fire bending.

"Azula come on."

Azula looks over and sees Win with Kiyi on the dragon ready to take off. She sees that all the blood walkers are down and uses this time to run away. Azula hops onto the dragon and was ready to ride.

"Okay buddy lets go," and then they took off. 

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