23. Let the Games Begin

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Most of the class were playing games outside with the Wild Wild Pussycats. I got paired up with Tokoyami of all people. While bakugo was trying to convince someone to trade partners with him me and Tokoyami started walking. If Ena was here she would be going crazy.. I hear the distant screams of other students from up the path. "So, y/n if you don't mind me asking, where is-"
"She's gone.." I cut him off. He looks at me for a moment, then he seems to get the message to not speak further about it. I continue walking down the path with him in silence, but that silence quickly faded when a student from 1B came out of the bushes and screamed bloody murder at us. Screaming, I pull my hands up to my chest and knee the person by accident. "AH" I open my eyes to see who I kicked and see a kid with white hair and what looked to be a white spiked mask on his face. "I'm so sorry it's a reflex!" I lean down to the boy and put a hand on his back. "You're good bro, a real man can take the pain!" He stands up with tears in his eyes and acts like it doesn't hurt. Me and Tokoyami share a look before continuing on the path. "So.. where's dark shadow? He's usually pretty social" I ask playing with my hands. "I prefer to keep him hidden when it gets dark. He can be...unpredictable"
"Is that why you were in the mountains with me? In that dark cave?" He nods his head. "I am working on keeping him under control" Were about half way through the path when I suddenly smell the sent of smoke. I look up to see clouds of black smoke coming form the forest in front of us. "Oh my god is that smoke?" I look over at Tokoyami in question. "I don't remember us making a campfire, especially that far away from the cabins" looking deeper into the forest I see the blue flames of a fire growing bigger. "We need to get back, I think there's someone here. Forest fires aren't blue" We were pretty far from everyone in the class, it would take a while to get back. Tokoyami puts a hand out in front of me to keep me from going anywhere. "Wait, what about 1-B? They're hiding all over here, we need to make sure they get out safe as well"
"You're right. I'll look ahead, go find the kid that I accidentally kneed earlier" He nods his head and starts back tracking the path. Looking ahead I see the smoke and the fire getting bigger and more out of control. I run forward yelling for people to get out of the forest when I hear footsteps from behind me. Assuming its some of the kids from 1-B I turn around. To my surprise I see a man in a straight jacket and a metal contraption holding his mouth open. I stop in my tracks and so does the man. We just stand there staring at each other for a moment. He couldn't be the one that started the fire could he? Why would he be in a straight jacket? The strange man tilts his head to the side almost like he's questioning me. He tries to talk to the best of his ability. "ouu" 'you'? Oh you gotta be shitting me. Even the one who doesn't talk is with the group that attacked us at the USJ. "oont urt" 'don't... hurt'? Is he saying not to hurt me? Or is he saying don't hurt him? Looking closer at him I see his teeth start to grow rapidly out of his mouth. "That's a new one" He picks himself up with it and they carry him away without another sound. He's going in the direction that Tokoyami went. Not good, not good! I start sprinting in the direction that he went. He was much faster than me so it took me a while to catch up. I hear a pained scream and the breaking of trees up ahead. "That's not good" I suddenly get hit in the head with something hard. Falling on my back, my legs go up in the air like a cartoon. The air is knocked out of my lungs when I hit the ground. I lay there and gasp for my breath and look over at what hit me. It was an entire uprooted tree. "y/n!" I see Soji run over and help me sit up. I reach up to my head and feel blood trickling down the side of my face. "I'M SORRY... GET AWAY I CAN'T CONTROLL HIM" I look over and see an out of control dark shadow and an in pain Tokoyami. "I prefer to keep him hidden when it gets dark. He can be...unpredictable" Soji helps me up and takes me a couple feet away. "Tokoyami needs someone with light. Something bright to keep dark shadow at bay" He explains. "I know just the people, and they just so happen to be paired up together" Soji nods his head in approval. "Ill keep him here, go find them and fast" I turn on my heels and run to the far end of the circle where they would most likely be. On my way there I hear one of the pussycats voice in my head. "Attention, return to the cabins immediately. There are villains here, do not engage! They are after the kid called Bakugo. I repeat do not engage!" Oh... that's not good. Finally I see the two coming down the path. "Guys!!" Both of their eyes snap to me and I see Todoroki's turn into ones of worry. "y/n what happened to you? You're bleeding" His hand goes up to the gash on my head. "Did you run into the villains?" His other fist clenches at his side. "No, I mean yes, but that's not important. Dark shadow is out of control and Tokoyami needs help"
"Shit crazy, bird brain did that to you?" Bakugo says almost concerned. "Yea, I was a human bowling pin, but instead of a ball, it was a tree" Bakugo smirks. "Come on, we have to hurry" The boys eyes travel behind me and Bakugo scowls. "We've got a slightly bigger issue right now crazy"

Todoroki x reader NecromancerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon