29. The days Before

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IM NOT DEAD. 😁 in pain but not dead! So I'm writing instead of doing my AP work, enjoy!

The calm before the storm.

The trip to the mall went pretty smoothly and nothing bad happened thankfully. It wasn't exactly what I expected though. I should have figured I was going to be the odd one out in the group. Don't get me wrong, I loved hanging out with the girls. I just wish I was able to talk to them more. Each of them had their own conversations and inside jokes about things that have happened with their group and I was the only one who was lost. They did try and include me some points to ask my opinion and such, but other than that, I felt like I was the odd one out. None the less Momo did insist on paying for my dress which was really kind of her.

"Oh, y/n I think I found the one for you!" Uraraka pulled an (f/c) dress off of one of the racks and held it up for me to see. "It totally suits you!" She smiles. I'm taken aback by how beautiful the dress is, surely it had to be an outrageous amount. I take the dress from Uraraka and go to look at the tag when a hand covers it. I look up to see Momo with a smile on her face "Nope, no need to worry about that. I got you. I'll be paying for you guys"
"Who really?" Jiro looks up from the rack she was looking at in shock. "What? Momo are you sure? These are a lot of money" Uraraka questions. "Of course! This is our night to shine" Uraraka's eyes light up and she tackles Momo In a hug. "Oh thank you, thank you!" Momo hugs back awkwardly but smiles anyway. I stare at the (f/c) dress in my hands and hold it up to my chest.

"Not today asshole. I'm going to have a good time at this mall with my friends if it kills me because I fucking deserve it"

"Yea, thank you"


I hop on the usual train and sit down with my bag in hand. I pull out my phone and stick my headphones in as usual, drowning out the sounds of the other passengers. The train lurches forward with a screech and we started moving. I lean my head back against the wall and look at the almost empty train when a head of pink hair catches my eye. I sit up in my seat quickly, dropping my phone in the process, earning strange glances from the people near me. The person turns around and I see their orange eyes staring back at me. "I- I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else" I apologize and lean back in my seat once again. I take a shaky breath and lean over to pick up my phone from the ground but another hand beats me to it. I look up to see none other than Shinso. "Hey, be more careful these things tend to crack easily" He hands me my phone and sits in the seat next to me. "Thanks, Shinso.."
"You thinking about her?" He crosses his arms and leans back to the wall as well. "How did you know?"
"Aizawa talks about that a lot... He talks about you a lot" He chuckles and I roll my eyes. "Well... I am his first kid I guess" I take a deep breath and look over to see Shinso deep in thought with a weird expression on his face, almost longingly. "You know, he talks about you a lot as well" His eyes seem to light up ever so slightly and his head whips back at me. "hE-" He coughs making his voice deeper. "He does?" He acts calmly. I let out a laugh. "Yea, he says your his favorite. Other than me of course. You don't cause as much trouble as I do I guess" He chuckles again. "I also heard that you're a troublemaker"
"Of course you did" A comfortable silence falls upon us as the train stops once again to let more people in. The rest of the train ride was us talking about school and our different classes, we even ended up exchanging numbers. Soon enough it was his stop. "See you later y/n" He gives me a short wave as he exits the train.


I step into the house and set my stuff down by the door. "I'm home!" I shout across the house. "y/n!" Hizashi greets from the kitchen. "Oh no, why are you cooking?" He looks up from the pan pointing his spatula at me. "Rude! I'm being supervised thank you very much" I walk out of the room when I hear Aizawa walk down the stairs seconds later. "Hey, kid c'mere for a sec" He gestures to the living room. We both take a seat on the couch and he pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket. "Oh god don't tell me you're adopting Shinso now" He gives me a 'really?' look and hands me the paper. "No, I'm not adopting Shinso" I look at the paper in my hands and read it out loud. "League of Villains Case File" I give him a questioning face. "Why are you giving me this?"
"I'm not giving it to you" He takes it back. "I need to know if you have any... evidence. Possibly something that your- um Twice gave you" He corrects himself. My eyes wander to the blank tv and think about the letter i picked up from the last fight. I haven't even gotten the chance to read it yet... It's the last thing I have from my previous family. I can't give that up yet. "y/n?" Aizawa brings me out of my thoughts and I see Hazashi standing next to him with his hand on his shoulder. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't keep anything he gave me" I look down at my lap. "Its ok kid, we understand" Hizashi sits down on the couch and hugs me. "Go wash up ok? I made dinner" I walk up the stairs and into my room, closing the door behind me. I take a glance at my desk before I head into my bathroom to get ready for dinner. I finished washing my hands and face when I hear my phone ding.

My Hero: Hey, you weren't on the train this afternoon. Is everything ok?

Y/N: Oh im sorry, I forgot to tell you I was shopping with the girls this afternoon. I took a later train home.

My Hero: You took the train by yourself? You got home safe right?

Y/N: Yes dad I got home safe

My Hero: Wrong number y/n I'm not your father

Then another message comes across my screen.

Unknown: You didn't give me a fake number did you?

Fake num-...

Y/N: No lilac this is y/n

Lilac: Good, I accidentally took your book when you showed it to me. I'll give it back at the dance k?

Y/N: sounds good 👌

I set my phone down and look over at my desk again. My eyes travel to the drawer with the letter in it and my hand twitches, almost telling me to open it. "Y/N DINNER!" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the smell is food. Another day... not today.


Dinner went by pretty fast, and so did the night. Soon enough it was the day before the big UA dance, and everyone was excited. Me and Shoto walk through the hallway admiring all of the streamers and balloons of the themed colors of gold black and white. "They're making a big deal out of this dance" We enter the stairwell and make our way upstairs when I walk past a hole in the wall with scorch marks around it. "Wonder when that happened?" Todoroki eyes the hole. "No idea" I lightly smile walking past it knowing full well who made that hole and why.

"I'm going to have a good time at this mall with my friends if it kills me, because I fucking deserve it"

Classes go by smoothly and it was already time for lunch. I sit down at the usual table with Deku, Uraraka, Iida, and of course Shoto. "Soooo I'm assuming you and Todoroki are going to the dance huh y/n?" Uraraka says picking up her chopsticks. I glance over at Todoroki and see him nod to her. "Awww you guys are too cute!" She smiles. "I wish I had someone like that..." she pokes at her rice with her head in her other hand. Deku looks down at his food suddenly and starts eating.


"Hey Deku, why don't you ask Uraraka to the dance!" I smile putting my head in my hands. "W-WHAT?!" Deku's face turns a bright red as his head snaps to me. "Why not? You guys would be adorable"
"W-wa.. uh... mmm" Deku covers his face with his hands while Uraraka is sitting there stunned with a red face. "I think that's a fantastic idea y/n!" Iida buds in. "You do?"
"Indeed, spending a special event with a close friend or date makes the night more memorable!" He pushes up his glasses with his fingers. "Then won't you be alone?" Todoroki asks. "Unfortunately I will not be attending this event. I will be visiting my brother tomorrow so I will be unable to make it"
"Well, what do you say guys?" I glance between the two of them. "Well... Uraraka I would like to go together... I-If you want to of course!" He waves his hands nervously. Uraraka smiles brightly with rosy cheeks. "I'd love to Deku"

Mission successful.

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