27. Interruption

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    UA has been closed for a couple of days now and everything has seemed to go back to normal. Or as normal as it can get after that. I've been going out to see Todoroki more often and I've even seen Shinso come to the house to train with Aizawa once and a while. Everyone seems to be doing great, except... it's been hard going this long without Ena. Ever since she has been gone, I've been hearing more voices in my head from other spirits.

Shoto and I are in the living room watching a movie together while his siblings aren't home. "Hey, Shoto..." I turn my head to the side to look at him. "Hm?" He looks down at me on his shoulder. "You know, my dads were complaining about Nezu making them chaperone a dance when we get back.." I look up at him to see his face turn into one of confusion. "Is that really the best idea?"
"I don't know, they asked my opinion on it but I haven't gotten back to them. I told them I would ask you" I lean up and face him properly. "What type of dance would it be?" He questioned. "Well... I don't know. I've never been to a dance before so I don't know any types"
"You have never been to a dance before? I find that hard to believe" Now it was my turn to look him funny. "Why don't you believe that?"
"If I am remembering correctly, you were the one that convinced me to dance in the rain on our first date" He smiles lightly. "Well yes.. but that wasn't exactly 'dancing' per se. It was more of swinging around a light post and swaying like those balloon men at a car wash or dealership" I laugh. "I remember... when me and Ena were young... we would pretend that my dads old baggy shirts were dresses..." I paused feeling my eyes water slightly. "We would dance around the living room and in the grass outside, pretending we were at a ball. She would call me princess y/n and I would call her princess Ena..." I laugh solemnly. "Those must have been good times. I wish I had stories like that"
" Even so, I don't think I could be good at dancing properly" I blink my tears away. "Well to be fair, I don't think anyone in our school would actually know how to dance properly... maybe Sero" We laugh. Shoto looks back at the TV and sighs. "It would be nice to see you in a dress though. You already look beautiful normally, I can't imagine what you would look like then" My face turns a light shade of pink as I turn back to the TV to continue watching the movie. After a few moments, Shoto turns to me suddenly. "Wait.. did you call them your dads?" My eyes go wide. For the first time since everything happened, that was the first time I have ever called them my dads. I feel a smile make Its way onto my face. "Yea, I guess I did" I sigh happily. "When did this happen?" I laugh. "I'll tell you later" Shoto leans up from the couch and turns the TV off. He leans back and turns to face me. "You know, I'm really glad you're safe... I was so worried about you..." He sighs deeply and takes my hand. "There's something I've been wondering for a while now"
"What is is Shoto?" He pauses for a moment and takes a breath. "What are we?" I am taken aback by his question for a moment. "I...um... What do you want to be?" I ask looking down at my lap. He brings his hand up to my chin to make me look up at him once again. "I want you to be mine" The words get stuck in my throat as I try to talk. "Would you do me the honor?" I can feel his hand shaking lightly in mine. "How could I say no?" I smile and so does he. He leans in and so do I, closing my eyes in the process. We're centimeters from each others faces when the front door slams open and someone walks in. We jump apart from each other and look over at the door awkwardly to see none other than Endeavor, Shoto's father. Uh oh. "Really.. second time" I hear Shoto mutter. "Shoto. Who is this?" His father asks harshly. He really doesn't remember me? He literally threatened me at the sports festival. "Father. This is y/n..." Shoto trails off, his grip on my hand getting tighter. Endeavors eyes show a fire unlike any other I've ever seen that burns into my soul. "Oh yes. Ghost girl. I remember you" His presence in the room makes it feel so tense and awkward, I feel like I want to curl up in a ball and roll away. "Ah... yes thats me..." Just had to say ghost girl didn't you. Something red flashes in the corner of my eye making me look away from the fire covered man. I catch a retreating figure walk into the next room with red hair. "y/n, are you alright?" Todoroki asks me. "I... saw someone walk into that room over there. Sorry it was probably nothing" Endeavors eyes light up in anger. "You saw him?" He asks in a demanding tone. "I... saw who?" Todoroki gets up from the couch and reached for a photo on one of the side tables. He hands it to me and points to a boy with red hair and blue eyes. "This is Touya" My breath catches in my throat and my eyes water up instantly.

I'm pulled off of him by the man with the purple scars and thrown into one of the bookshelves roughly.

The boy in that photo... He looks like... "He's been missing for years" Todoroki looks longingly at the picture when Endeavor barges in. "He's probably dead. You did just see him" He shrugs nonchalantly. He's your son. Looking back at the doorway again I see the figure again standing there staring at Endeavor. I stand up from the couch and walk to the doorway. The boy with red hair doesn't move, he doesn't seem to notice I'm there. I try calling out to him in my head, even try his name, but he just stares... "This isn't him..." I shake my head trying to touch the figure. His eyes are like a void, holding only one emotion, sadness. "It's a former version of him" I crouch down to the floor seeing the ghost like imprint on the wood floor. "He has been here for a very long time...but he is not dead" I look back at Shoto and Endeavor looking at me with a mix of confusion and sadness in their eyes. "W-what do you mean he's not... what?" Shoto walks over to me. I stand up and take his hand. "Well... in some cases..." Let's leave out the part about the trauma.. "When um... people have something bad happen to them... a part of them dies. I'm sure you've heard that expression before right?" Shoto nods. "Well... this is a part of your bother that has been left behind... or... left for dead even. I believe your brother might still be alive" His jaw clenches and his eyes lock onto the floor In anger. "He has been alive this whole time..." I give his hand a gently squeeze In return. I heard loud footsteps walk towards us and see a shadow on the floor look over me. "My son is not alive" Endeavor threatens me with his eyes. "I-"
"NO" He yells punching the wood on the door frame right next to my head. I flinch away and Shoto puts me behind him protectively. "Father stop this." Shoto warms holding a hand out to stop Endeavor. I stand behind Shoto on the verge of tears feeling a heavy weight in my chest. "Let's go..." Shoto wraps an arm around me and leads me out of his house. Before he shuts the door I see Endeavor crash down to his knees touching the floor where the figure stood. He traces the marks where the wood is split and his tears spill onto the floor. Shoto sighs and walks with me down the sidewalk rubbing my arm with his hand. "I'm sorry about that... I didn't know he would react like that towards you" He clenches his other fist in anger as we walk in the cool breeze. "It's ok, I know he's just hurting" I sigh folding my arms over my stomach. "Still. He shouldn't act like that. Especially to you, someone that I care so much about"
"It's really ok" I place my hand over his. "I know you wouldn't let anything happen to me with you there" I give him a smile. We continue walking for a while and Shoto seems to be in deep thought. "So... about that dance" he speaks up. "Oh no, don't tell me you're asking me to go" I laugh. "Why? Do you not want to go with me?" He asks, a hint of hurt in his voice. "No, no, it's nothing like that. Its just... with my dads there... that's a little... awkward" I look up at him and he looks down at me. "I don't mind, just another excuse for me to be with you for a night" He leans down and kisses my forehead. "Fine" My face heats up and I look away. "Is that a yes love?" By heart skips a beat. "y-yea.."

Meanwhile at the Todoroki household.
"He can't be... he can't be... He's not... HES NOT!" The heavy sand filled punching bag flies to the ground with a loud bang, making dust fly into the air and sand pile onto the ground. The built mans chest heaves, hands clutching his head in pain as his thoughts run wild. "That liar... she's a liar... she-" He opens his eyes to see the mess he made and takes a deep breath, the singe marks on the punching bag becoming more apparent to him. "She did have that 'help' at the festival... is... is she right?" He drops to his knees. "Touya"

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