3. A little help

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    The rest of the tests go by smoothly, and then it was time for the ball throw. I wasn't really paying attention to any of the other attempts. I was more focused on that boy.. Bakugo. He was looking at me, like he was expecting me to do something. I only looked back when Uraraka threw her ball.. it never came down? "What quirk could that be?" Ena asks. "Well I'm assuming gravity manipulation, it almost looked weightless" Uraraka made her way back to me with a smile "Yep, you're totally right!" She claps her hands together and I smile also. "INFINITY?!" The class yells as Aizawa shows the screen of his device. "What??"
"That's insane!"
"How's that possible?" A bunch of questions were being said at once. I look over at Midoriya, and he has a terrified look on his face. "You should probably go check on him you know, he doesn't look too good" Ena encourages me. I sigh and start to walk over to the shaking boy when my name was called. I stop in my tracks and look up at Aizawa. "You're up" crap, I was so distracted didn't have time to think of how I was going to do this. I make my way through the class and stand in the diamond. Aizawa hands me the ball but before he lets go he says something that throws off my game. "I know you have help" my body almost instantaneously breaks out into a cold sweat as he lets the ball go, he walks back to his spot and takes out his phone again. I look back at the crowd seeing Midoriya and Uraraka giving me the thumbs up for encouragement. I also see the harsh stares of Bakugo or "Kacchan" as I heard Midoriya call him. "We don't have all day miss L/N" Aizawa says in his bored tone. I grip the ball and focus my mind on Ena and call forth the help I needed. I have to be extra careful with my quirk because of the drawbacks. If I focus too hard on the people I want to help me, I can...get lost. Like a lost soul floating around above my body unable to get back in unless I calm myself enough to gain control again. The more people I call forth, the more control of my mind is required, the more control required, the bigger the chance of me messing up. I feel my eyes turn white and my body flicker like a projector. The combined strength of the apparitions flow through me as I will it to transfer to my arm. I reel my arm back as I feel the power serge and I throw it with all my might. My arm falls to my side as I regain my normal stance. Another thing about my quirk, think of it as a portal of some sorts. (I'm a human Ouiji board) if I don't thank the apparitions for helping me, they have a chance of getting agitated and harming me, or even worse attaching to me causing a possession.  I turn and nod my head in thanks as they fade away. Of course only Ena and I can see them, but I still have to thank them. "Well, an impressive 512 meters" Aizawa shows his device and the class goes wild. "Woh what?"
"How did she do that?"
"What the hell is her quirk?"
"She's swo hawt" ok what the hell. I turn to the class and immediately lock eyes with the boy from the train giving him a little smile. He merely looks away and doesn't say a word.

Soon enough, everyone had finished their test and it turns out that no one was actually getting expelled. "Well that was a cruel way of getting us motivated" Ena looks away at some of the students. Once her eyes land on one specific person, her eyes go soft and her posture relaxes. I follow her gaze and see a boy with a black bird head. "Got someone on your mind ghosty?" I laugh once we were far enough away from the class heading into the building. "What!? No, no, no its nothing like that at all!" She waves her hands in front of her body dismissingly. I laugh as her face becomes red and she stutters her excuses at me. "HEY CRAZY!" My eyes widen as I turn my head over my shoulder. Of course that attitude came from Bakugo, what cold he possibly want. Wait...crazy? "Um yes?"
"Who the hell do you keep talking to over here, you got something wrong with your head or somethin?" His spikey hair stands straight up from his head as he walks up to me with his hands casually in his pockets. "No, I don't do you?"
"Well now you've done it" Ena facepalms as she covers her eyes with her hands in fear. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME YOU DAMN FREAK?!" My body tenses up as he makes more explosions in his hand. "I..." My body flickers as my shoulders tense up slightly. "What's the matter freak, cant handle a little noise? Pathetic" He has a menacing smirk on his face as he looms over my smaller figure. "Hey hot head, get back to class." A familiar voice sounds off behind me. Ena gasps lightly and runs to my side. "Its that guy we saw! what the hell is he doing back here?"
"WHATS IT TO YOU, YOU ICYHOT BASTARD?" The boy pushes me aside to what looks like strangle the boy, when another voice chimes in. "Bakugo, get back to the school already. You're holding up the class, you too Todoroki." Thank you Aizawa, you're literally a life saver. Wait.. Todoroki.. as in Endeavors son? Bakugo lets out a loud sigh and walks away putting his hands in his pockets once again. "Next time, there wont be anyone to save you freaks" He spits on the ground before finally leaving behind Aizawa. "Why the hell is he still here, why did he come back for us?" Ena scratches the back of her head in confusion. "Thank you for that" I say to the boy trying to start a conversation. "I did this souly for the purpose of the class getting inside faster" He says in a monotone voice. "Oh, well anyway thank you"

"We should totally be friends with him! He seems so cool and mysterious!" Ena exclaims. "We need to make friends with him to be able to figure him out. Plus, he's soooo cute!" She gushes on about him as I catch up to him. "So..icy hot. What's that nickname about?" Todoroki simply ignores me as he walks back into the building. He makes his way into the boys locker room as I let out a sigh. I start to do the same before I hear my name being called once again by a familiar tired voice. "Yes Mr. Aizawa?" His dull voice fills the hallway as he speaks. "Your quirk is an interesting one, but I also hear that there are severe drawbacks to it as well. You need to get those under control if you ever want to be a pro hero. Hizashi or as he is called here, Present Mic, spoke to me a while ago to explain what's happening with you. I would like to know how exactly that works" I sigh and begin to explain some things about my quirk. As our conversation goes on, I tell him about Ena and the others I can see if they want me too, and how I can block them out. His expression never changes but I can tell he is listening intently. "You have quite the unique quirk miss L/N. You know they are going to find out eventually, you aren't at home school anymore" I let out a sigh and look at my feet. "Yes, I do... but I would like to tell them in my own time if that is alright"
"Of course, I'm not going to force you to do anything. I think you have an amazing gift and I don't want to see it wasted because you fear having no friends. Understand?"
"O-oh yes I do, thank you" Ena is off in the corner looking out the big windows, sitting on a bench looking drained. I guess I pushed her a little hard today. "Go get changed and get ready for your next class, and think about what I said" He turns to leave when I remember something. "Oh, Mr. Aizawa wait!" He stops and turns to me with his hands in the pockets of his pants and hums. "I just wanted to say...I think you're an amazing hero and I wish I can see you in action one day! You're one of the reasons I wanted to become a hero in the first place. Thank you for caring about my quirk, see you in class!" I smile and run into the locker rooms to get changed.

As the girl leaves him standing in the hall, he cant help but feel a small smile cross over his face. She has no idea what she can really do. He thought as he walks back into his classroom to think about the interesting days to come.

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