7. Todoroki's Realization

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A few more days had passed with the same routine. Me and Todoroki listening to music in the morning, walking together, and Uraraka, Deku, and Iida walking with me in the afternoon. Life in U.A was going pretty smoothly as I have a friend group now and I get to talk to Hizashi once a day. He is honestly like my second dad here at U.A, he takes care of me when my actual dad can't. Todoroki and I walk into the building, and as usual he hands me my headphone and he makes his way to his seat. The past few days have been fun, choosing a class rep and all, the school did go on a lockdown for a few minutes though because of come reporters getting into the school grounds. On the bright side I got to see Iida as a human traffic sign! I'm getting the hang of everyone's name now as I have become good friends with almost everyone in the class. I've become so much more social with my classmates, I'm finally coming out of my shell. "Morning guys!" I smile and wave at everyone as I walk through the door. "Morning!"
"Hey Y/N!"
"Good morning friend Y/N!"
"Sup Y/N looking good today!" I laugh at Kamanari's comment. "Right back at ya sparky" I smile and walk to Uraraka and Deku. I've learned that Deku is a lot easier than saying Midoriya all the time so I call him by his nickname now. "You're so popular Y/N! Oh my baby is blossoming" Ena squeals as she goes to listen to someone else's conversation. "Morning Y/N!" Deku and Uraraka say in unison. "How's Ena?" Uraraka asks. "Who?" Deku's confused face falls when the bell rings. Everyone sits in their assigned seats as Aizawa comes in the room like usual. He starts off with a speech that I wasn't particularly listening to until he announced we were going to the USJ. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint, built for natural disasters and run by the pro hero 13. Wait.. I'm going to meet 13! "Sir, what kind of training is this?" Sero asks. "Rescue, you will be dealing with natural disasters, ship wrecks, stuff like that" Wow, were just jumping into this aren't we? I guess pro heroes don't really get to prepare for this sort of thing. "Sounds like were in for a big workout!" Kamanari elbows me as we share a laugh. "What you wear in this exercise is up to you, I know you're excided about costumes, but keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet. They might limit your abilities" The crates slowly come out of the wall once again with our assigned numbers on them. "This type of training takes place at an off campus facility, so we will be taking a bus to get there. That's all, start getting ready" He walks out of the room to I presume the bus. "Wow this is so exciting Y/N! We get to fight against actual natural disasters, this is going to be so cool!" Ena squeals as she sits on top of my desk. "Come on, were gonna miss the bus!" Uraraka pulls me out of my seat and we both grab out costumes and change. All of us head out to the front of the school and wait for the bus. I see Todoroki sitting along on a bench in his normal terrifying costume. "Hey loner, what's up" I take a seat next to him, he scoots over to make room. "Oh hello Y/N"
"So, you excited?"
"Like I said before, this is just training, what's there to be excited about?" I sigh and elbow his arm. "Come on you downer, I know there's a little bit of excitement behind those eyes of yours" He rolls his eyes and sighs as well. "Well, maybe there is a hint of something"
"Hah! I knew it" I smile at him, which he almost returns but was distracted by Iida blowing an obnoxiously loud whistle. "Attention class 1A, using your student numbers, form two neat lines and load the buss efficiently!" he finishes to blow the whistle once again. Surprisingly the bus was laid out differently than he had expected, so everyone ended up sitting where ever they wanted. Todoroki and I ended up sitting towards the back of the bus, me by the window seat, an him by the isle. I have my head turned towards the window when I feel Todoroki tap me on the shoulder. I turn and see him look at me questionably. "Yes?" I'm confused by his actions at first, but then he holds out his hand and I instantly know what he wants. I laugh as I take out my headphones and hand him one. "You act like a little kid, you know that right?" He hums and closes his eyes once again.
The bus ride is calming, it reminds me of the train ride to school in the mornings with Todoroki. I turn my head to look at him, he looks so peaceful when he sleeps. My eyes travel from his eyes to his scar. I never really asked where he got it from, but I cant say that I wasn't curious. As if on instinct, my hand goes up to his face and brushes the hair from his eyes. He stirs in his sleep and I feel my face go red for some reason. I look over to Ena whos sitting with the girls to make sure she's not watching me. If she saw me like this, I would never hear the end of it. My attention turns back to Todoroki, his head begins to sway as the bus makes a sharp turn. His hair falls back into place over his eyes and I cant help but smile. He really is cute. Wait. What? I get distracted by Bakugo yelling something at Deku and threatening his life, for the what? Seventh time today? My head leans back against the window as I listen to the music playing. My eyes begin to close when I feel a weight on my shoulder. I don't even to open my eyes to know what it was, but what I didn't expect was something to wrap around my arm. My face heats up and my body stiffens, but I don't dare open my eyes and I just let it happen.

Although the events on the bus seemed like a beautiful coincidence, unbeknownst to the clueless girl. the male next to her wasn't actually asleep. He had been testing his feelings for the girl. When he got that familiar feeling of warmth in his chest and face when he laid on her shoulder, he knew. He knew that he wanted more than to be friends, but how he was going to let her know that was a mystery to him.

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