22. Shinso

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    The next morning Aizawa made everyone get up to do morning training. I wasn't even focusing on what he was saying. Events from last night kept replaying in my head. "DON'T BOTHER COMING BACK" The way she looked at me..  broke  my heart. My fists clenched once again as I think about what she left me to do. A hand was placed on my shoulder snapping me out of my day dream. "Y/N, are you alright?" Aizawa talks quietly to me once the rest of the class was gone. "I'm fine." I snap at him shaking his hand off my shoulder. "You're in the mountain. Channel as much power as you possibly can and destroy it. Try turning as fast as you can and run through the trees, Don't stop till-"
"Yea, got it" I cut him off and channel some energy to my feet to run to the top of the mountain.


Hours of punching that damn mountain went by. My hands were bloodied, but thanks to the others energy it wasn't too much. Every now and then I would run to the bottom and back, going for as long as I could. Every punch I made, every rock that fell reminded me of the way I punched her. My anger was slowly subsiding and was turning into sadness. Was she just trying to live a normal life? But.. why the hell didn't she tell me?! I loose focus on my punches and loose the energy. I end up punching the rock with my bare hand. "SHIT!" I grab my hand close to my body and crouch down to the ground in pain. Before I know it, tears flow from my eyes faster than I can wipe them away.


Hours of more gruesome training go by and the day slowly turns into night. Everyone had already gone back to make diner, but I wasn't hungry. Yesterday I said that I had overused my powers too much, I take that back, that was nothing compared to this. My hands shake and my shoulders ache, begging me to stop. I feel the blood rushing to my head, and I feel the energy begging to leave my body. "It's time to eat, I don't want you to pass out...y/n?" Aizawa makes his way up the mountain and into the small creator I made. "You did all this in a day?" He takes a look around almost impressed. I cough a couple times and sit on the ground panting. I nod my head and he sighs. "You never push on this long unless something is bothering you" I clench my hands and stand up. "You don't have to talk about it, just please eat something. I'm still responsible for you. Plus Hizashi would kill me if I let you pass out" I unclench my hands and give him a forced smile. "There she is, come on were going to play games after we eat. You and Ena are going to love it" He walks down the mountain. I let my posture relax and I slump over. "Yea... she loves games" I feel a gust of wind over my shoulder and whip my head back hoping to see Ena. Sadly I'm met with nothing but broken rock and dust.


Walking back to the camp was a little awkward but I was relieved to see that they hadn't finished making the food, so that meant I could still help. "There you are! we were looking all over for you, didn't you hear the teachers?" Mina runs up to me grabbing my hand. "Sorry, I guess I was just in my own headspace" I laugh. She looks down to my hand and gasps. "Oh y/n your hand!" I look down to my hand and see its still bleeding and bruised. "Like I said, I was in my own headspace.." I retract my hand. "I'll go clean up and come back" I walk to the bathrooms and run my hand under the cold water, hissing in pain. I take one last look myself in the mirror before heading out. I look like a mess. I walk out and see a familiar head of purple hair. I stop in my tracks right in front of him and he looks down at me. We don't say anything to each other for a while, we just stare, but it wasn't awkward. "You're the kid from 1B"  I say. "You're the girl that got third place in the festival. You're also the one who I saw yesterday at 2am" He says tilting hid head to the side. I avert my eyes from him and clench my jaw. "I'm Hitoshi Shinso" He says holding out his hand awkwardly. Confused I shake his hand slightly flinching due to the cuts. "I assume you already know me..." He laughs. "Ghost girl right?"
"Yea.. ghost girl"
"Here..." He takes my hands and slowly wraps them in bandages. When he's done he pulls me closer to him and whispers in my ear. "I know what I saw last night. I'm not very good at consoling but just know you're not alone" He pulls away and my body stiffens in shock. "I train with your teacher Aizawa, He cares a lot about you" I look up and meet his gaze, it was soft and caring unlike before. I feel hand on my arm pull me back. I look up to see Todoroki there with narrowed eyes. "Hey, I wasn't trying to make a move on your girl" Shinso laughs and walks away with his hands in his pockets. I watch him walk off, as he walks he looks back at me and gives me a smirk. I give him a small smile and Todoroki takes his hand off of my arm. "What did he say to you?" I turn around to face him. "Nothing, he was just trying to get in my head" He relaxes his face as he hears me quote him from the USJ. "Are you ok? You seem troubled" He reaches out to hold my hand. "I'm ok thank you" He rubs his thumb across my bandaged knuckles soothingly. I give him a small smile to tell him that I am ok. If only it were that easy to say out loud.


Making dinner went by smoothly and soon everyone was sitting at the long picnic tables eating what they had prepared. Finishing up I place my chopsticks by my plate when I see hands reach over my shoulders and place more food on my plate. Looking up I see Shinso, he leans back and smirks. "Keep up your strength. You need it" I know he is referring to last night and I lightly smile at how much he cares. Then I look over at Todoroki and see the real reason he did that, to make him mad. I roll my eyes and lightly kick Todoroki under the table so he will stop staring down Shinso. He looks at me and goes back to eating like nothing happened. I guess not all of 1B is bad.

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