11. Ghosts

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    There is a pang deep in my chest as I drop the note into the counter. "NO, NO, NO, ITS NOT. MY DAD IS A CONSTRUCTION WORKER ON THE OTHER SIDE OF TOWN. THIS ISN'T HIM" I turn on my heels and run to the door. "y/n please wait-" Skipping the steps on my way out I run across the street ignoring the cars honking at me. The only sounds I hear are my heart in my ears and my footsteps on the pavement.
I don't know how long I've been running, the pain in my chest and the stinging of my eyes tell me it's been a while. Finally I see my destination, my fathers work place. I catch my breath as I see the huge building before me, seemingly busy with people. That can't be right. He said he would be working on this building for a year. The sign read:
"Juko News"
I walk into the building to see a large waiting area with people sitting around talking on their phones. "Can I help you miss?" My eyes go to a man at a center desk. "Um yes can I talk to the construction crew that is working on this building please?" The man looks at me confused. "I'm sorry?"
"The workers that built this building, my dad works here"
"I'm sorry this building is over twenty years old I don't know who built this" he smiles reassuringly.
My world feels like it's falling apart. "Miss? Are you alright?" The man asks. "I-I'm alright, thank you" I turn and walk out of the huge glass doors. It's true..it's really true. My dad.. he really is a villain. He's been lying to me my entire life.
Walking around the side of the building, I take a seat on the ground in the ally between buildings. My back leans against the cold bricks as I stare up at the blue sky. I cant seem to have clear thoughts as my mind goes through the few memories I have with my dad. It would explain why he's never there, he never did tell me how he got that scar on his head. How could I have been so blind? How could someone keep this big of a secret from their own child? Why did he become a villain in the first place? If he doesn't have a job... then how does he get the money for the house?
He steals it doesn't he. The thought of my father robbing innocent people for me makes me sick to my stomach. My eyes well up with tears again as the sky above me darkens into an orange color. I lay my head on my knees and continue to cry, not knowing what else to do. I don't want to go home, if that's what I can call that house of lies. My throat becomes tight as I find it hard to breathe. There's a sudden warmth on my shoulder, but I don't care to look up. A subtle gasp fills the silent air and I am embraced in a warm hug. My eyes snap open to see locks of light pink hair filling my view. "E-Ena?" my voice is low and raspy, my hands slowly reach up to grab her. "I-I'm here ok? I'm here" She whispers to me reassuringly rubbing circles on my back. "How do you know what to do?" She laughs lightly "My mother used to do this when I would cry, I thought it might be worth a try" I close my eyes once again and let my body cling to her. My body shakes with sobs as I let my emotions out. Several minutes go by and I hear her sigh. I finally calm down enough to let go, Ena pulls away from me and looks at her hands. They are slowly fading from the pale skin color to the normal flickering see-through color. "I'm sorry Ena, I don't know what I did" I look down at my hands and try to bring her back. "Its alright, even if it was for a second I'm glad I got to be human again, and be there for you. That's all I could ask for" In seconds, her body turns back to her normal self. A ghost. My body feels heavy, my chest, my legs, even my head. The sky is almost completely dark, with the exceptions of the few red clouds left. I have no other choice than to go home, my bag is there, my bed is there, a shower, and food of course. I hadn't noticed my stomach had started to growl till I thought of eating. "We should go home y/n...I know you don't want to but...it's not like we have anywhere else to go" It took me a few seconds to process what she had said, but when it clicked it made since. "Alright" Using the wall as support, I gradually stood up with my shakey legs. Pushing off the wall I immediately fell on my ass. "Y/N! Are you ok what happened?!" Ena crouches beside me and attempts to grab me to no avail. "I'm ok ghosty my leg was asleep that's all"
"Oh lord y/n don't scare me like that!" She stomps her foot angrily. "Aren't you supposed to be the one scaring me?" I look up at her and put on a small smile. Her face softens and she uncrosses her arms. "Yea.. I guess so" She gives me a closed smile and I stand up again.
The walk home was longer than I thought it was coming here. It could have been the fact that I was running, or the fact that I was blinded by fear and sadness. The sun had completely gone down now and the only light we had were the streetlights and the full moon over our heads. Ena stood closer than ever to me, acting like she was grabbing my arm. Sometimes I could even feel a tug on my shirt, or the hair on my arms move. We're getting stronger by the day, there's no doubt in my mind that this experience contributed to that. No matter what life puts me through, I am going to be a hero. We are going to be heroes. Together. As Ghosts.

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