9. Shigaraki

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The villain laughs at my sudden interest, but Shoto doesn't seemed pleased. "He's jus trying to get in your head, you know that"
"But you have to realize I'm telling the truth, this isn't the first time you've heard it" I think back to the guy at the entrance of the USJ, and how he said he knew me, and how I would find out how sooner or later. Todoroki freezes his mouth and walks up to me again. "They're just trying to get in your head, don't let them get to you" He takes my hand in his and uses the other to guide my face to look at him. "That's how they win, and they cant win"
"You're right, sorry Todoroki"
"Come on, we have to help All Might" I nod as we head off in the direction of the fight. I couldn't help but look back at the villains encased in ice, was he right? No, like he said, they're just trying to get in my head. The trip down the mountain was harder than anticipated since someone had covered it in ice, but we made it down just in time to see who seems to be the main villain charge at Aizawa. He seems to be counting something, could it be our teachers quirk time? When the count down stopped the villain had grabbed Aizawa's elbow and it seemed to disintegrate upon impact. It took everything in my power not to run down and help him, but I knew if I did it would only cause more trouble. For me, and for Todoroki. Shortly after more fighting the warp guy came back to his side. "He has to be the one controlling all of them, he's so strong" Ena says. I nod in agreement "That warp guy also seems to be taking orders from him too, that's the boss" Todoroki looks over in confusion "Are you talking to her?" I nod once again and focus my attention back to the pro hero. I now notice the huge being beside him and so does Ena. "What is that thing?"
"I.. don't know. Whatever it is, it doesn't look human" My eyes travel down to the water surrounding them and spot something green and purple. "Wait.. is that-" Ena finishes for me. "That's Midoriya, Asui, and Mineta"
"Come on" Todoroki waves to me as he starts down the mountain. I sigh and walk after him, careful not to get caught by the villains.
We finally get there to see the main villain reach out for Asui's head. That light blue hair... he seems so familiar to me. Aizawa quickly erases his quirk before anything happens to Asui. The blood running down his face makes my eyes tear up and my fists clench at my sides. The skin peeling off of his elbow makes me sick to my stomach and enrages me even more. The monster holding his arm smashes it to the ground instantly breaking it. "AIZAWA!"

Flashbacks of Hizashi, Aizawa and I came flooding into my mind. When Hizashi would take me out to eat at his favorite restaurant, when Aizawa would help me learn the things my dad never taught me. They were more of parents then my dad was. When my dad lost it that day, he was never the same. It was like something was tearing him apart from the inside out. They were there for me. This thing isn't going to take that away.

Before I know it, my legs have started sprinting towards him. "Y/N NO!" He screams. Even when he is injured, he still wants to protect the people he cares about. That's why I want to be like him. I rush to the main villain and so does Deku, before I can reach him Deku sends out a punch that throws everyone back, including me. By the size of it, it should have killed him, but that monster got in the way. Is that thing indestructible? I shove the blue haired man back harshly as the monster is about to grab Deku and push him out of the way. The monster stops before he touches me. My breath is caught in my throat as the thing hesitates. "Y/N?" The thing pulls his hand away and I see the blue haired man again. I get a cold chill over by body as he speaks. Before I could talk the doors of the USJ blast open to reveal All Might. "Have no fear students. I AM HERE" He quickly takes care of the villains at the gate and takes Aizawa away. My attention goes back to the man as he walks to me. "You cant hurt me" I say defensively as I put up my fists. He laughs creepily "I would never hurt you Y/N, you don't remember me do you?"
"S-shut up. You don't know me, you're just some stupid villain who we need to take away!" All Might swings back to us and scoops us up in his arms and away from the villains. "Everyone back to the entrance, and take Aizawa with you"
"Wait, All Might. I can help, I'm the only one he cant touch" I step forward. "No, I cant put your life at risk like that, stay back" He gives me a stern look saying. Don't do it. With that he launches himself back to the action. "Like hell I'm staying here"
"Y/N.." Deku's voice is low. "If you're going, so am I" I pause. Am I really going to let him throw himself into danger because I'm choosing not to listen to a pro? "He's gonna do it anyway" Ena laughs. Well.. she's got a point. "Alright, lets kick some villain ass together then, Deku"
"Asui, Mineta. Get him back the gate with 13 and wait for the pros" I walk over to Aizawa and take his hand. "Thank you, this is for you Aizawa" I look to Deku and he gives me a nod, on that que we both sprint towards All Might and the beast.

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