6. A group to walk home with

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Costume ideas ^~^

In the girls locker room, all of the girls are busy obsessing over each others costume. "Oh Y/N you look so mysterious! It goes so well with your quirk!" Uraraka says playing with the cloth scarf that falls off my back. "Thank you Uraraka" We smile at each other as another girl I think her name is Jiro, walks up to us. "Hey, we haven't talked much but I love your costume" She has what looks like headphone ends for ears, she touches them together nervously as she speaks. "Oh thank you, I really like yours too" Her eyes brighten and I can tell we're gonna be awesome friends. I end up making friends with all of the girls, I remember their names were Momo Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu Asui, Mina Ashido, and Toru Hagakure.
We all finish getting to know each others name and head out to the training ground. "They say that cloths make the pros young ladies and gentlemen!" All Might is waiting for us as we all walk out of the long tunnel. "Oh Y/N! You look so cute!" Ena squeals as she zooms over to me. I smile at her and look over to Todoroki, so does Ena. "Oh.. his costume is.. a little scary. Don't you think?" I nod my head as All Might continues to explain how the test will go. "Shall we get started, you bunch of newbies!"
He explains the teams system of heroes and villains and the nuclear bomb plan, and as soon as I know it he's splitting us into teams by us picking out of a lottery box.
A. Uraraka & Midoriya
B. Todoroki & Y/N
C. Soji & Momo
(Sitting Mineta out cause there's an odd number)
D. Bakugo & Iida
E. Mina & Aoyama
F. Koda & Sato
G. Kamanari & Jiro
H. Asui & Tokoyami
I. Ojiro & Hagakure
J. Kirishima & Sero

I make my way over to Todoroki and tap the shoulder that's not covered by his costume. He turns to me and I'm taken aback by the bright red circle over his left eye. "Woh Todoroki what's with the Terminator eye?"
"The...what eye?" I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. "Never mind, anyway I was right, were together! I told you" I give him a smile which he doesn't return but I can tell he's happy to be on my team. All Might chooses the first teams to go first which is teams A and D. Or Bakugo's team and Midoriya's team. The rest of us head to the monitoring room to watch. We step into the room and I start thinking of a plan for when it's our turn. "Hey Todoroki"
"Yes?" He says in his monotone voice. "We need to think of a plan before we go into this"
"I have one" Wait what? He didn't even consult me. "Oh well um what is it?" I ask. Ena has her attention fixed on the screen as Bakugo blasts Midoriya in the face. All Might doesn't call off the fight and the heroes win with Uraraka capturing the bomb and Midoriya being rushed to the school nurse. "Next up, young Todoroki and Y/N!" Calls All Might. Oh god we don't have a plan. We both step into the training building and my first instinct is to get Ena. "Where are they?" She goes through some floors and comes back seconds later. "Ones in the hall on the north side of the fourth floor, I think the invisible ones on the same floor somewhere" I repeat it back to Todoroki. "For your own safety, I suggest you stand outside" He walks past me not even sparing me a glance. "Wait what?" He puts his right hand against the wall and it instantly starts freezing over. Thick Ice coats the floor and walls rapidly as the temperature drops severely. The entire building freezes over in seconds and all he did was touch the wall! Ena and I are at a loss for words as we stand there staring at him. The ice coats my feet so I faze through it and step out, following him up the frozen steps to the fourth floor. We reach the room that the "villains" are in and Todoroki walks in like nothing. I follow behind him to see Ojiro and Hagakure stuck to the floor, their feet covered in ice. "His quirk is insane!" Ena exclaims looking at al the ice. "Would you like to do the honors Y/N?" He asks gesturing to the bomb. "Oh, ah sure thing" I pass him and put my hand on the cold bomb prop. "Heroes win!" The voice of All Might comes over the speaker and I smile at Todoroki. He also puts his hand on the prop and starts heating it up. "Wait he has ice and fire! This dude is insane!" Ena jumps up and down in admiration of Todoroki's quirk. "Wow, I didn't know you had fire too. That's so cool!"
"Come on, the test is over" He walks out of the room but I stop to check on the two. "Hey, Hagakure are you ok?" I ask the invisible girl. She laughs in response "I guess I am, man that guy has one serious quirk!"
"Yea, we didn't stand a chance" Ojiro pops in to the conversation also, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Oh come on, I'm sure you guys will improve so much and be amazing heroes" I smile at the both of them. "Aw thank you Y/N!" Hagakure says. "Yea, thank you Y/N" Ojiro smiles at me as I pat him on the shoulder. "Of course, were all here to help each other improve after all!"
Time passes and everyone finishes their test, and soon it's time to head home again. All the girls walk into the locker room and it soon fills up with chatter. I'm just finishing changing, pulling my shirt down when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Momo standing there with the rest of the girls behind her. "Y/N us girls were wondering.. how did you know where Hagakure and Ojiro were during the test? Do you have some sort of x-ray vision?" She asks. Oh shoot. "I..um" I don't know how to respond, if they know about Ena.. will they still accept me? "Y/N.. I know what you're thinking" Uraraka comes forward and puts a hand on my shoulder. "We're not going to judge you. This is a safe place where we all learn from each other and make each other better heroes" She used my words from earlier in the test. I strangely feel ok now, like a weight has been lifted. "Well... my quirk as you know is ghost" I take a breath. "I can faze through things, and make my body almost invisible.. and I-I can...see ghosts" My eyes travel to the ground as some girls eyes go wide. "You can see ghosts, Ribbit?" Asui asks. I nod. There was a short silence before Uraraka shouts. "That's totally cool Y/N!"
"Yea, you shouldn't be ashamed of that, ribbit" I look up at the girls in surprise. "You must use there energy to help you in tasks, am I correct?" Momo buds in. I nod again. "What's taking you so long Y/N!" Ena calls from outside. "We're going to have to catch the second train!"
"There's one ghost in particular that follows me everywhere.. her name is Ena" I smile as I hear her get impatient outside the locker room door. "Wow! That's so cool it must be nice to have a friend like that" Mina joins in also. "Where is she now?" Jiro asks looking around. "Oh ah she's outside waiting for me... I should go, but thank you all, this really means a lot to me" I smile at the girls, grab by bag and walk out of the locker room. "Took you long enough girl! Let's go!" Ena runs ahead.
I'm about to leave the school when I hear my name. "Y/N, wait up!" I turn around to see Uraraka, Midoriya and Iida waving at me. "Oh, um hey guys what's up?"
"We were wondering if we could walk home together!" Uraraka says happily. "Oh, um sure. I only walk to the station so it's not really that far.."
"That's totally fine! We're all going that way also!" Midoriya jumps in. "Deku's right come on!"
"Oh alright, thank you guys" I smile at the bunch. "Of course fellow class mate!" Iida makes robotic like movements with his hands and we laugh. Ena peaks her head out from behind the wall. "What's taking so- oh" she sees the group and her smile brightens. "Omg Y/N we have a group to walk with now!" I look to the three people walking beside me and I smile. I realize I finally have what I always wanted. A group to walk home with.

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